I love CiviCRM sprint.

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2013-10-08 11:56
Written by
Anònim (no verificat) - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

After having fun and learning a lot from CiviCon London 2013. I decied to have more fun at Daleridge sprint where the weather is nice and the landscape looks wonderful and It is my 6th CiviCRM sprints!. This nearly the end of  the 4th day of the Dalebrdige sprint  (while I'm writing this blog).  

We have now about 20+ people working on different intesteting project based on thier interested which including visualization extension, translation for extensions, CiviHR, CiviVolunteer and CiviBooking as well as disscussion group of idea such as  re-curring activty, unit testing improvements. 

I am now working CiviBooking and we hope to release alpha 1 version end of this week which will be avaliable to download on the extension directory. We will also release new version of the UK GiftAid extension after the sprint. So stay tuned!

Here are my final thoughts on Daleridge sprint. I have learnt a lot so far and hope to learn more in the next 4 days working along with the CiviCRM core team.  It's a great opputinity to learn more about CiviCRM core code and work very closely with the core team which have been fantasic and which is the reason I LOVE CiviCRM sprint. 


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