Blog posts by colemanw

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By colemanwFiled under

Welcome to the December core team update - special holiday edition. There's lots of goodies under the tree and we can't wait for you to open them.

What we've been working on:

The core team is transitioning to a monthly task cycle where we'll publicly set a goal for the month, work on it and report back to the community afterwards. To bring you up to speed on our goals and accomplishments over the past few months:

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By colemanw Filed under API, Make it happen

We’ve talked about and have made some progress on APIv4. Along with a native form builder and an improved UI, a new version of CiviCRM’s API was identified as a key objective our roadmap. While it may be the least glamorous of the three, it is an increasingly important and powerful feature within CiviCRM. And it’s time for an update.

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By colemanw Filed under Release announcements

Firefox is at version 52, Chrome is at 55, where does the number inflation game end?

Let the countdown begin! This April, the CiviCRM core team proudly announces we're going negative! It works for politicians, why not your favorite CRM for the Civic sector?

“When they go high, we'll go low.”

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By colemanw Filed under Extensions, Interface and design, Sprints

One of the top goals for the CiviCRM roadmap is to improve the theming to look good on more websites and devices. That's a big task and it won't happen overnight, but I want to stop and appreciate the progress we've already made plus other improvements in the works:

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By colemanw Filed under API

Mark your calendars, the api team will be doing a webinar introducing api version 4 on Thurs March 24 12:15pm EST.

For anyone that's developed an extension or other integration with CiviCRM, you know how important a good api is. CiviCRM's api version 3 is incredibly useful - it's mature, stable, tested, robust, and even has a handy gui explorer that writes code for you!

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By colemanwFiled under

The Core Team is very happy to announce that CiviCRM version 4.7 will be released on January 27th. Packed with both fixes and new improvements, 4.7 is the culmination of a lot of hard work and dedication from the community. If you’ve not demo’d it yet, check it out.

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By colemanw Filed under Sprints

Want to help CiviCRM integrate with Drupal8 (or Backdrop or WordPress)? Want a winter getaway and a chance to go skiing? Hey, you can have both!

Come join us for the CMS-Integration Sprint in Vail, CO Jan 30 to Feb 4 2016.

Big thanks for Nicolas Ganivet at CiviDesk for sponsoring this event and generously donating the venue!

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By colemanw Filed under Release announcements, Security Releases

If you are currently using 4.6.7 and your site uses ACLs to segment access to contacts you are strongly encouraged to upgrade. The 4.6.7 release included a regression in the ACL system which caused certain contact access permissions to behave improperly. The 4.4 LTS branch was unaffected.

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By colemanw Filed under Release announcements, Security Releases

The latest releases of CiviCRM 4.6 and 4.4 LTS include 2 moderately critical security fixes. While these issues are unlikely to affect the average CiviCRM site, it is recommended to upgrade to the latest version to keep your site as secure as possible.

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By colemanw Filed under Extensions, Interface and design

At the code sprint after CiviCon Denver, Tyrell Cook and I tackled some much-needed updates to Civi's wysiwyg system. A wysiwyg editor (what you see is what you get) is the mini word processor you use to compose emails, activities, notes, and other rich-text in CiviCRM forms.

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