Blog posts by ErikHommel

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By ErikHommel Filed under Community, CiviDay

We had a awesome CiviDay 2016 in Amersfoort yesterday! A record 40 participants made me happy before the day even started :-) The Socialist Party was our host for the day, and they had prepared a morning session where they shared their experiences with CiviCRM, showed what they did and explained what they want to do in the future.

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By ErikHommel Filed under Extensions, Tips

CiviCooP is working with Emphanos on a nice CiviCRM project (of which I am sure Young-Jin will blog at some point in the near future).

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By ErikHommel Filed under API, Extensions, WordPress

Our customer Werk Met Zin (platform of independent 'job' coaches and trainers in Flanders) use a Wordpress site as a front end and CiviCRM as their back end. There is now one specific instance where an individual can apply for a series of coaching sessions on the website. This has to be passed to CiviCRM and rather than updating the website to Drupal we are passing the data from the Wordpress site to CiviCRM.

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By ErikHommel Filed under Extensions

I have just published an extension we (CiviCooP) developed for PUM Senior Experts. They wanted to make sure that contacts could only be added/removed to/from some groups by specific users. So we have created an extension for them, adding a permission and setting the group behaviour.

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By ErikHommel Filed under Extensions

Just added the ContactSegment extension to the extensions directory. It has been created for a specific problem but we tried to keep the base generic. The development was done by CiviCooP and funded by PUM Senior Experts for CiviCRM 4.4.

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By ErikHommel Filed under Case studies and user stories, CiviMember
1. What was the ambition when you started with CiviCRM?

Automating membership administration, event management en managing our donors.  We also wanted to combine our data from memberships, events, donations and relations so it would be easier to maintain and share our knowledge. Finally we wanted a link between the forms on our website and our CRM system.

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By ErikHommel Filed under CiviContribute, Documentation, Extensions, Tips

I have just completed the first cookbook on CiviRules, with 2 basic examples and an example on how to automatically classify donors based on their contributing behaviour. Have a look, any comment is highly appreciated :-)

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By ErikHommel Filed under Case studies and user stories, CiviContribute, Extensions

Message from Steinar (MAF Norge)

CiviRules is live and doing effective automation!

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By ErikHommel Filed under Case studies and user stories, CiviContribute, Extensions

Amnesty International Flanders (AIVL) have been using CiviCRM for a couple of years now, initially with memberships mainly but lately more and more as a fundraising tool. They have implemented CiviBanking for their incoming bank transactions and are now in the process of testing CiviSepa for their direct debits.

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By ErikHommel Filed under CiviCon

Yesterday was the first CiviCon NorthWest Europe in Amsterdam. I thoroughly enjoyed the day, it was inspiring to see the local community being able to organize and support such an event! We had a little over 50 participants from The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France.

A great CiviCRM community day in the heart of Amsterdam with:

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