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2010-05-06 22:18
There seems to be growing interest in CiviCRM in Seattle. People want to know more about what it is, how it works and how they can harness the power for their clients or their own organizations. Recently at DrupalCon in San Francisco I ran a training on CiviCRM that was attended by a fellow Seattlite, and in the weeks just before that I was introduced to a few other folks in Seattle using CiviCRM. So it seems like it is time.
In this first Seattle CiviCRM User Group meeting we will share introductions, experiences and talk about growing the community of CiviCRM users and implementers in Seattle.
Not formal experience with CiviCRM is necessary, just a curiosity and a willingness to learn.
Where: Office Nomads, 1617 Boylston Ave, Second Floor, Seattle, WA 98122 - (206) 323-6500 - (north of Pine) on Capitol Hill
When: Thursday, May 27th 5pm until 7pm, at which time we may adjourn to a local establishment for food and beverage.
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Last night we had 11 people turn out for the first Seattle CiviCRM User Group Meeting. A number of people had only just discovered CiviCRM and were there to learn more about its capabilites. A few SEADUG regulars also showed up looking to learn a bit more about CiviCRM as they planned to evaluate it for current clients.
After introductions, we set an agenda that was largely made up of questions:
I started in on a basic overview of CiviCRM and then answered questions along the way for about two hours. I pointed out the list of improvements that were featured in my CiviCON lightning talk and explained a few of them that came up in our discussion.
I'd say, from what I have been hearing from clients and potential clients and at the SEACUG last night that people are interested in two uses of CiviCRM that are not necessarily dialed in yet:
Just before we left we set out some next steps: