Release Date
Release Version
Release Status
Release CiviCRM Compatibility
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<extension key="uk.co.compucorp.civicrm.giftaid" type="module">
<name>CiviCRM UK GiftAid</name>
CiviCRM support for Gift Aid.
The extension comprises a couple of custom data sets to hold all Gift Aid data, a profile to use on contribution forms to collect this data, a task to batch 'gift-aidable' contributions and a report to submit batches to HMRC.
<url desc="Main Extension Page">http://civicrm.org/extensions/gift-aid-extension-uk</url>
<url desc="Documentation">https://github.com/compucorp/uk.co.compucorp.civicrm.giftaid</url>
<url desc="Support">http://forum.civicrm.org</url>
<url desc="Licensing">http://civicrm.org/licensing</url>
<author>Erawat Chamanont, Jamie Novick, Guanhuan Chen, Robin Mitra</author>
<email>jamie@compucorp.co.uk, guanhuan@compucorp.co.uk</email>
<comments>For support, please contact project team on the forums. (http://forum.civicrm.org) or create a new issue on https://github.com/Compucorp/uk.co.compucorp.civicrm.giftaid/issues
<extension key="uk.co.compucorp.civicrm.giftaid" type="module">
<name>CiviCRM UK GiftAid</name>
CiviCRM support for Gift Aid.
The extension comprises a couple of custom data sets to hold all Gift Aid data, a profile to use on contribution forms to collect this data, a task to batch 'gift-aidable' contributions and a report to submit batches to HMRC.
<url desc="Main Extension Page">http://civicrm.org/extensions/gift-aid-extension-uk</url>
<url desc="Documentation">https://github.com/compucorp/uk.co.compucorp.civicrm.giftaid</url>
<url desc="Support">http://forum.civicrm.org</url>
<url desc="Licensing">http://civicrm.org/licensing</url>
<author>Erawat Chamanont, Jamie Novick, Guanhuan Chen, Robin Mitra</author>
<email>jamie@compucorp.co.uk, guanhuan@compucorp.co.uk</email>
<comments>For support, please contact project team on the forums. (http://forum.civicrm.org) or create a new issue on https://github.com/Compucorp/uk.co.compucorp.civicrm.giftaid/issues