CiviCRM Configuration Loader version 2

2022-03-01 07:36
Written by
jaapjansma - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

CiviCRM Configuration Loader Version 2 is out! This version is developed and refactored with funding from Deutsche Stiftung für Engagement und Ehrenamt and Bündnis der Bürgerstiftungen Deutschlands.

With this new version of this extension it is now possible to define configuration sets from CiviCRM user interface and export those configuration sets.

You can also import a configuration set. With this functionality it is possible to export configuration for certain functionality and share it with the CiviCRM community. For example your CiviCRM configuration contains a setup for managing Buddies, this setup could now easily be shared with the CiviCRM community.


  • Possible to install/remove extension with an exported configuration file
  • Possible to install extensions from the CiviCRM extension directory, a zip file or from any GIT url
  • Possible to export/import custom fields
  • Possible to export/import option groups
  • Possible to export/import contact types, activity types, location types and relationship types
  • Possible to export/import campaign types
  • Possible to export/import membership types
  • Possible to export/import event types
  • Possible to export/import case types
  • Possible to export/import message templates (including a flexible way of handling links and images)

Below a couple of screenshots of this extension:

Filed under


Are Profiles likely to ever be part of this (assuming it would need to also be grouped with Custom Fields and Option Groups which I see are possible)

Anonymous (nicht überprüft)
2022-04-07 - 01:46

I have been going through it and it looks very useful for my purposes - is there any plan to add Groups and ACLs?