Blog posts by jaapjansma

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By jaapjansmaFiled under

Today we had our video con about caldera forms. (See announcement) and this blog is a summary of our conversation.

Thanks everybody who joined. I liked the fact that we had various ideas and opinions on how to proceed. This shows for me how diverse our community is and I do love that!

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By jaapjansmaFiled under

Recently we heard about the retirement of Caldera Forms and that this going to be replaced by Ninja Forms. Saturdrive the company behind caldera and ninja wrote the following:

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By jaapjansmaFiled under

During the Dutch/Flemish webinar we had a session in which we shared the extensions people used and what is useful about them. We enjoyed sharing this with each other and we thought this might be useful for the wider community so here is the list of extensions in no particular order:

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By jaapjansma Filed under Development Tools, API, Architecture, Documentation

This blog post explains how you could insert data from a CSV file into CiviCRM. We use Pentaho Data Integration to read the CSV file and to call a Form Processor in CiviCRM.

This blog post is an example and when you follow the steps described in this post you can run the same import as me.

Pentaho is a tool to extract and transform data.

The form processor is an extension to create end points for forms in CiviCRM. Those end points can then be called through the api.

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By jaapjansma Filed under CiviCamp, Community

Maandag 13 mei was het zover. Mijn eerste CiviCamp. Ik werk inmiddels al een paar jaar met CiviCRM en het leek me goed om wat meer betrokken te zijn bij de community. Ik vond het wel spannend. Ik heb immers geen verstand van ICT, ik heb een sociale opleiding gedaan. Ik ben coördinator van een maatjesproject en gebruik CiviCRM om vast te leggen wie maatje van wie is. We zijn een kleine organisatie met slechts twee parttime medewerkers, maar ik zou mijn werk niet kunnen doen zonder CiviCRM.

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By jaapjansma Filed under Development Tools, Extensions, Interface and design

Have you ever wished you could configure the actions you can perform after a search in CiviCRM?

It is now possible to do this with the Search Action Designer extension.

An example use case

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By jaapjansma Filed under CiviCamp, Community, Sprints, Training

Put on your clogs: CiviCamp NW Europe will be held in the capital of the Netherlands: Amsterdam in May 2019! Register now!

Tropen Museum

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By jaapjansma Filed under Development Tools, Architecture, Documentation, Extensions, Interface and design, Tips

In this blog post I want to show how you could use the new form processor extension to handle form submissions from an external website.

My (imaginary) organisation provides buddies for young people and the form on our website is submitted when somebody is interested in becoming a buddy for a teenager. We ask for the name, address, e-mail, telephone number, birth date and gender.

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By jaapjansma Filed under Development Tools, API, Architecture, Extensions

I have finished a working prototype of the form-processor and action-provider extension. See my previous blog post for where the idea came from.

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