During the UK sprint last December a couple of people (mainly Kevin andKlaas) have worked on the Wordpress Caldera Plugin. Since May 2022 theCiviCRM Community took over the maintenance of the caldera forms plugin(not to be confused with the Caldera CiviCRM Plugin). The caldera formsplugin is a tool to create forms in Wordpress and the are a couple ofplugins which integrates Caldera with CiviCRM.
Many many years ago (quite possibly 2016), at about the same time, AGH Strategies and the Progressive Technology Project (PTP) each developed an extension called "Petition Email." Both extensions provided the exact same missing feature for CiviCRM's Petition component: When a signer fills out a CiviCRM petition, an email is automatically sent to a pre-defined target.
Being new to the Civi community, I have been asked several times how my first sprint was. Well, read for yourself: After two days of a great admin training, where I learned so much about the core functions of CiviCRM, it was also exciting to hear about new extensions and developments at the CiviCamp.
Amnesty International Vlaanderen (https://www.amnesty-international.be/) have been using CiviCRM to support their processes for more than 10 years, supported by CiviCooP (https://www.civicoop.org/) and Systopia (https://systopia.de/).
Encircle are really excited to announce that tomorrow (Friday 1st of December) their Technical Director: Tom Taylor will be presenting a talk and demonstration on our new open source CiviFlow extension for CiviCRM at CiviCamp 2023 in Manchester, UK.