It’s June and the rare blasts of sunshine mean it’s summer for us Brits - and so the Wimbledon tennis-fest is nearly upon us. If you don’t already have court tickets you can expect to pay a small fortune for them, or if all that Murray-mania is not your thing, then don’t despair! We have something even better to offer you: centre-court tickets for the highlight of the UK Civi year - CiviCon London 2015.
Each month from June - August we will be featuring blog posts from this year's Google Summer of Code students. This will help keep all of you up-to-date on these great projects and also give you an opportunity to follow along and get more involved in ones that you connect with. Click the links below to check in on July's featured projects:
The team is super excited to announce that CiviCRM 4.6.4 is now available for downloading AND you can try it out on the 4.6 demo site.
Amnesty International Flanders (AIVL) have been using CiviCRM for a couple of years now, initially with memberships mainly but lately more and more as a fundraising tool. They have implemented CiviBanking for their incoming bank transactions and are now in the process of testing CiviSepa for their direct debits.
Rejoignez-nous pour découvrir l'étendue des fonctionnalités de CiviCRM (on-line).
Jeudi 2 Juillet de 14h à 15h (heure de Paris)
Plus d'infos et s'inscrire ici
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Last week we celebrated the first CiviCon for the South of Europe in Madrid. It was a great day that provided the opportunity to bring together users, developers and implementers from the local growing community in Spain. We had close to 40 people interested on CiviCRM.
For those of you in the New York City area, 16-19 July 2015 is NYC Drupal Camp (pronounced "nice camp"), an annual grassroots non-profit conference run by volunteers. The event covers a broad range of topics related to Drupal. As part of the camp, the developers of the Aegir hosting system have organised the first Aegir Summit, 16-17 July.
I am Tahir Ramzan, pursuing Masters in Computer Science at Virtual University of Pakistan. I am working on refunds, partial refunds and partial payments development for CiviCRM. Parvez Saleh and Joe Murray are mentoring this project.
Refunds and Partial Refunds:
Often, we need to tackle situation where one needs to make partial or full refunds. After this project users will be able to make refunds with friendly user interface and proper database records.
Cividesk will be offering several on-line CiviCRM training classes in June designed for new users. Each two-hour training session focuses in depth on one topic (Contacts, Membership, Events and Contributions). Class size is kept small to allow for Q &A. Click here for more information on specific curriculum, dates and cost. Additional questions?