Customize CiviEvent with the Event Registration Button Label Extension

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2021-12-23 09:38
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Anónimo (no verificado) - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

No two events are alike. From conferences to performances, the need for event registration is as different as the activities. That’s why Skvare’s expert developers have contributed the Event Registration Button Label extension for CiviCRM.

This extension does what it says. Like the Contribution Page Button Label extension for button labels on a contribution page, the new Registration Button Label extension allows CiviCRM administrators to edit button labels on event registration pages and more.

With the Registration Button Label extension installed and enabled in CiviCRM, a new set of options are available in the Info and Settings tab of event configuration. These options include entering custom text for the registration page when adding additional participants and in the confirmation page button. This extension further makes it possible to remove the Skip Participant button requiring users to register each additional participant. 

The Registration Button Label extension broadens the flexibility of CiviEvent through the customization of each button. Labels can be edited to better reflect various types of registrations. Rather than using the defaults, labels can be changed for users who may be signing up as a volunteer, host, or speaker. 

When additional participants are added to the registration, the extension also makes it possible to replace the default label to indicate that the next page will be for that additional registration. This can help make it clear to the user signing up who wants to provide contact information for each person attending an event such as a conference or meeting.

Button labeled Sign Me Up to Volunteer
Buton labeled Register Additional Guest

Another option allows CiviCRM administrators to remove the status field from the Additional Registration page. This can help clean up the look of this feature without needing to use CSS.

Requested by some of Skvare’s diverse clients, the Event Registration Button Label extension offers more options to any CiviCRM installation. 

Learn more about how Skvare’s team of Drupal and CiviCRM experts help organizations better deliver on their missions when their technology can do more.

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