The Island (theme)

Development Status
Active Installs

Last updated: 2024-10-29

Works with CiviCRM 5.78 or higher.

See also
  • RiverLea Theme Framework Theme architecture for CiviCRM that separates visual/UI CSS from structural CSS using CSS variables. Installing it provides you with four subthemes or 'Streams': - Minetta, named after the river that runs under Greenwich, NYC, based on Civi's default 'Greenwich' theme. - Walbrook, named after the river that runs under Shoreditch, London. It is based on Shoreditch/TheIsland theme. - Hackney, named after the river that runs under Finsbury Park, based on Finsbury Park theme. - Thames, named after the river that runs close to Artful Robot HQ, based on their Aah theme.

"The Island" is a theme for CiviCRM based on a flat design and the Bootstrap v3 framework. It is a fork of the Shoreditch extension/theme, with the modest aims of:

  • Improving support for Form Builder and SearchKit
  • Improving support for various content management systems (CMS), such as WordPress, Drupal 9/10 and CiviCRM Standalone (Joomla and Backdrop should work, but not tested, and patches welcome)
  • Improving mobile support
  • Minor visual improvements (more contrast, slowly modernize a wee bit, but no drastic changes) tidy up the CSS a bit, maybe improve core, to have a smaller CSS footprint (but don't have too many high expectations because this is a mostly volunteer effort)

As of 2025, this theme is minimally maintained. You are encouraged to try (and to contribute to improving) the RiverLea theme, which is now shipped by default with core.



  • On Drupal 7: we recommend to set the CiviCRM Admin theme to "Seven"
  • On Drupal 9/10: works with the Clara theme
  • On WordPress: works out of the box - if you are using the "CiviCRM Admin Utils" plugin, make sure to un-check the setting "fix CiviCRM menus".
  • On CiviCRM Standalone: works out of the box
  • Backdrop and Joomla: not actively tested, but it should work.

To upgrade from Shoreditch:

  • Disable/uninstall Shoreditch
  • Install this extension
  • If necessary, check the settings under Administer > Customize Data and Screens > The Island
Screenshot (click to enlarge)