Hello to all who were at the Dalesbridge Sprint
Remember the garden?
A few more pix here
I greatly appreciated the opportunity to attend the sprint and learnt a great deal. Many thanks to all who helped.
Hello to all who were at the Dalesbridge Sprint
Remember the garden?
A few more pix here
I greatly appreciated the opportunity to attend the sprint and learnt a great deal. Many thanks to all who helped.
The November issue of the CiviCRM Community Newsletter will focus on faith-based organisations, and I was contacted by Linda Wu Pagano to write something about our involvement with the project. So here is our story!
We've started to look into changing how objects get persisted in CiviCRM and what can we do to make things easier for people extending CiviCRM. Part of our approach is to try and integrate Doctrine into CiviCRM.
After having fun and learning a lot from CiviCon London 2013. I decied to have more fun at Daleridge sprint where the weather is nice and the landscape looks wonderful and It is my 6th CiviCRM sprints!. This nearly the end of the 4th day of the Dalebrdige sprint (while I'm writing this blog).
As the first full day of the Dalesbridge sprint ends, I have no regrets about taking leave from work and flying halfway round the world to participate in my first CiviCRM sprint.
Congregation Etz Chayim is a liberal Jewish congregation located in Palo Alto California with about 300 families. We differ from other congregations in the area because
Josué started doing social justice work when he participated in the Center for Third World Organizing‘s organizer training program in 1990. That led to a decade of working as an organizer for both community groups and labor unions. In 2000 he decided to switch careers, focusing on supporting the technology needs of groups doing organizing.
For the past several months, my team at the Alliance for Catholic Education at the University of Notre Dame have been working on developing a mobile client for CiviCRM. It is now hosted on GitHub HERE.
Work on Project60 continues in the limelight. SEPA Direct Debit processing is alive and kicking, and we've just completed a first demo run of CiviBanking integrated with the Belgian bank format (CODA) importer. 261 files containing 1600+ transactions, running through an initial set of matching rules, good for an 80% hit rate ... not bad at all.
We learned that there was a need to develop a CiviCRM local community in Mexico, based on enlarging the demand (Civil Society Organizations that valued the system could pay for and use CiviCRM), the offer (IT providers and web-designers that could offer their knowledge, skills and services to these organizations at reasonable prices) and the links to the international CiviCRM community (understanding the steps towards expanding the outreach of the software and make its installation and usage more friendly in IT-scare contexts).