Blog posts by cividesk

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By cividesk Filed under CiviCamp



Considering CiviCRM for your organization? New to CiviCRM and in need of some tips? Experienced with CiviCRM and ready for advanced instruction? Then join us for CiviCamp Denver 2017! There is something for everyone and it's a great opportunity to plug in and network with this outstanding open-source community.

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By cividesk Filed under CiviMail, Training

Civdesk is excited to announce our newest training opportunity - Effective Email Marketing with CiviMail. During this session you will learn how to best leverage CiviMail to get your emailing into your constituents Inbox and have your content read. 

During this two-hour training, you will learn about:

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By cividesk Filed under Case studies and user stories

LYRIC is a small non-profit that is entirely managed by volunteer attorneys.  Our mission is to teach youth how to safely exercise their Constitutional rights, and we do so by connecting with schools and community organizations and training volunteer attorneys to teach our curriculum to high schools students.

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By cividesk Filed under Case studies and user stories

An interview with the Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology The mission of the Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology is the prevention of blindness through education and cultural exchange among ophthalmologists in the Western Hemisphere. The association strives to provide continuing education for ophthalmologists, programs on the prevention of blindness, and promote cultural exchange. Cividesk recently spoke with Krista Jonas, Director of IT for the PAAO, about why they switched to CiviCRM from iMIS and the benefits the database brings to their organization.

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By cividesk Filed under Training

Learn all the basic functions of CiviEvent in this two hour on-line course taught by Cividesk. We will create an on-line event in CiviCRM that can be linked to your website. We'll discuss the best practices for registration and how to add and modify a profile for an event registration page.  You'll learn how to send reminder emails for an event in CiviCRM, track participants, create a participant list, run an event report and much more.

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By cividesk Filed under Case studies and user stories

Ruta Civica (Civic Route) is a Mexican volunteer based organization working in civic education and promoting citizen participation in public affairs. Through different campaigns, our mission is to develop the involvement of citizens in the making of the Constitution and laws for Mexico City and its urban planning. Since land zoning, construction and public works decisions have to pursue the public interest. We organize and train neighborhood committees and groups, as well as provide independent technical expert advice on urban and sustainability projects. We also work in educating, preventing and denouncing corruption.


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By cividesk Filed under Case studies and user stories

An interview with the Organization for Transformative Works

Cividesk recently spoke with the Organization for Transformative Works (OTW), a nonprofit run by and for fans to provide access to and preserve the history of fan work and fan cultures. OTW is an all-volunteer organization that is based entirely online. Volunteers from around the world work together via e-mail, chat, and cloud-based project management software, in most cases without ever meeting in person. Kristen Murphy is the membership data specialist for OTW’s Development and Membership committee and shared her experience using CiviCRM.

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By cividesk Filed under WordPress

Are you a CiviCRM and WordPress administrator?

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By cividesk Filed under CiviCon

With around 75 people in attendance, boasting a variety of end users, developers and implementers representing countries such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and various states from across the US, CiviCon Colorado 2016 was the place to be!

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By cividesk Filed under Case studies and user stories

Around nine years ago, my wife Virginie was Executive Director for the Rocky Mountain French American Chamber of Commerce, and struggling with Excel spreadsheets, paper memberships forms, and email-based event registration. She asked me to help her find a software to manage her nonprofit. Little did we know that this would have such a huge impact on both of our lives ...

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