Blog posts by Eileen

Restez à l'affut des dernières nouvelles de CiviCRM avec les billets de blogue de développeurs et d'utilisateurs de partout dans le monde.
By EileenFiled under

For the past few weeks I have been sending a dev digest to the dev-civicrm mailing list at the end of each week (subscribe here). The dev digest is a mix of what's being worked on, what proposals people are looking for input on, what we need review or help with, or just whatever bubbles to the top.

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By EileenFiled under

Deduper extension release 1.4

Release 1.4 of the deduper extension is now released. This contains a number of additional resolvers that the Wikimedia Foundations uses to enable more duplicate contacts to be merged without manual intervention.

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By EileenFiled under

(helpful note - the intended audience for this content is developers and people having trouble falling asleep)

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By Eileen Filed under Extensions

PayPal now has a new, more modern interface for CiviCRM. Thanks to sponsorship from PayPal, CiviCRM offers "PayPal Checkout" (also referred to as "PayPal Smart Buttons" or "PayPal Smart Checkout").


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By Eileen Filed under Sprints

Last week saw the first CiviCRM sprint in New York city. For those new to the community or open source software sprints are probably a bit of a strange concept. I know I sometimes struggle to explain them to border control agents as I enter the US....

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By Eileen Filed under Annonces de nouvelles versions

This is just a quick reminder that as announced in August the CiviCRM release on 2 Jan 2019 will be the last release supporting PHP 5.5. 

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By Eileen Filed under Architecture

As our North American colleagues (and those who have made the big trip over there) head into the governance sprint now seems like a good time to recap on product maintenance in CiviCRM. Product maintenance, as I discuss, is the monthly routine processes we do to incorporate patches & contributions into the CiviCRM product.

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By Eileen Filed under Architecture
This blog serves as advance notice of our intention to stop supporting php versions 5.5, 5.6 and our ongoing evaluation of 7.0.   For php 5.5 we intend to end support in January 2019. This is already unsupported by php and we strongly recommend you upgrade off it as soon as possible. The release in February 2019 will be the first release that does not support php 5.5  
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By Eileen Filed under Extensions

A new geocoder extension released by the Wikimedia Foundation addresses some of the geocoding issues experienced by CiviCRM users.

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