Blog posts by ErikHommel

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By ErikHommel Filed under Extensions

At CiviCon London 2014 the topic of extensions came up in a couple of conversations. Should some extensions be part of core, how do we deal with really good extensions and really bad ones, should we show how many times an extension is downloaded etc. Jaap Jansma and me discussed some more with Lobo on IRC and we decided that we would start with extension reviews. We feel that the extension mechanism is really cool and helps us a lot as developers and as users.

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By ErikHommel Filed under Community

Last week during CiviCon in London I introduced CiviCooP to the audience. CiviCooP is a Dutch cooperative organisation (“coöperatieve CiviCooP UA”) which aims to help CiviCRM customers (mainly NGOs) with all aspects of CiviCRM.

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By ErikHommel Filed under Case studies and user stories

Last Tuesday and Wednesday I was in Oslo to work with MAF Norway for 2 days, together with my CiviCooP colleague Jaap Jansma. MAF Norway is a very inspiring group with very ambitious fundraising goals for the next couple of years. And they believe they need CiviCRM to make it possible for them to achieve those goals. It was an extremely inspiring visit for both parties involved.

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By ErikHommel Filed under CiviCase

We want to propose a Make It Happen for a CiviCase configuration UI (see forum post,25791.15.html).

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By ErikHommel Filed under Architecture, CiviCase, Documentation

Just created a quick ERD for CiviCase, and shared it on this page

It is version 3.3, so not the latest and greatest. But I am sure I will have to check the same ERD for version 4 at a near point in the future and update the ERD too. And I do not think there are major differences in the data model......

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By ErikHommel Filed under Internationalization and Localization

At the Apeldoorn sprint today we had several discussions about street parsing and what we should do about it. A couple of solutions came up, I spoke first with Joe Murray and Xavier Dutoit. At that point in time using Extensions per street parsing seemed a logical solution. Discussing a little more with Lobo and Tim Otten the idea changed, and perhaps one Extension for international street parsing should be enough.

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By ErikHommel Filed under CiviMobile

De Goede Woning (our biggest and oldest CiviCRM client) have expressed lots of interest in CiviMobile. For them the main focus is on Activities and Cases. It is really important for the workers to be able to access and maintain data whilst on the road visiting and helping customers and stakeholders. So here is my first draft of what is required functionally, any thoughts and comments much appreciated!! We will probably start developing this stuff in October.

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By ErikHommel Filed under Sprints

Today was the first day of the Apeldoorn part of the post-CiviCon sprints. A bit of a chaotic day with people coming in, shopping and lots of logistics. A nice cold too on top of that, although a real community one! Alice and Xavier are suffering from the same cold.....Xavier at home in bed, and Alice and I shared a sniffing office today :-) I did get a first draft on my requirements for CiviMobile Activities and Cases, blog post to follow.

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By ErikHommel Filed under Training

During the december 2011 sprint in The Netherlands we discussed a different approach to the developer training sessions. We wanted to bring the approach in line with the user and administrator training sessions developed during the sprint following CiviCon London 2011. In short this means we do not try to focus on dealing with all aspects of CiviCRM but focus more on the needs of the participants. The aim is not to learn all there is to learn but to learn enough to get started.

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By ErikHommel Filed under Sprints

Saturday morning I brought the McAndrew bros and later Gergö Tiszi to the train station, which ended a great CiviCRM code sprint in Apeldoorn. I think we had quite some progress on CiviMobile, which looks really nice on my Android. I would like to thank Peter, Rajesh, Michael and Willem for their contribution and Hemma for her enthusiasm. We also improved the test set up and did some testing, for which Michael, Gergö, Xavier, Hans and Michael deserve thanks.

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