Blog posts by Anonyme

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By AnonymeFiled under

The Core Team has entered CiviCRM into the CRM Idol 2011 competition.  Here's a summary of the competition pulled from the announcement:


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By Anonyme Filed under Training

For the past two days Michael McAndrew and I have been working on a training program for CiviCRM. We haven't finished it, but feel free to take a look at what we've done so far in this Google doc.

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By Anonyme Filed under CiviMember, Extensions, Joomla

Want to control the Joomla ACL depending on a user’s membership status?

Version 2 of the Joomla CiviCRM Membership Authentication Plugin does precisely this for Joomla 1.6 and CiviCRM 4.0 users. 

Allows users to login with either their username or email address

Uses the Joomla user table to authenticate

Checks that that user has a current CiviCRM membership record

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By Anonyme Filed under Drupal 7

My UK based organisation the Association for Learning Technology launched a brand new web site on 20 April based on Drupal 6 and CiviCRM. We are very pleased indeed with the overall result and having all our membership process now running within a unified web-based environment we've been able to reduce transaction costs and give our individual and organisational members a much better service all round.

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By Anonyme Filed under Case studies and user stories, CiviCase, Joomla

I have been leveraging the CiviCase component of CiviCRM to help a crisis response organization transition to a paperless process.  I was originally tasked with "fixing" a Microsoft implementation of a custom web application written in VBScript and MS SQL Server but after fighting with the former developers horrible code I finally decided to migrate the system over to an open source LAMP implementation leveraging J! 1.5 and CiviCRM 3.1.


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By Anonyme Filed under Case studies and user stories

In 2010, San Francisco Baykeeper was suffering from disparate fundraising and communication systems.

They were using:

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By Anonyme Filed under Architecture, Sprints

Imagine for a moment that CiviCRM is a garden. In all its object oriented complexity lie bugs and weeds that need to be effectively discovered and managed. Managing a garden the size of CiviCRM is a daunting task for one individual, and even a team of developers along with a community of end-users and testers still need help. There is indeed help to be found! 

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By Anonyme Filed under Drupal 7

CiviCRM versions 3.4.2 and 4.0.2 include a new feature allowing administrators to configure CiviCRM to use Drupal input formats along with their associated WYSIWYG profiles as the WYSIWYG editor. This provides some great benefits for users:

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By AnonymeFiled under

Last week, Hershel Robinson, created a Drupal module for my client (called CiviCopyAddr) to handle the copying of the primary address into the Billing Address fields via a toggled checkbox.  It's located at .  We use as the payment processor.  To make it work:

1. Copy the files from the github into a directory call CiviCopyAddr and copy that directory into sites/all/modules and enable the module in Drupal.

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