
Restez à l'affut des dernières nouvelles de CiviCRM avec les billets de blogue de développeurs et d'utilisateurs de partout dans le monde.
par nicolsujet

We know CiviCRM is great for receiving payments in – be it donations, ticket sales or members

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par justinfreemansujet

Do you manage memberships for your organisation? If so, there's good chance you have been asked to generate a report for your membership data to find out:

"How many members did we have at 1 January 2021?"

"How many times has this specific member renewed?"

And probably even more toe curling questions that are quite challenging or seem impossible to solve

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par HeatherOliversujet

The CiviCRM Community Council have been working on a set of guidelines for the CiviCRM Community Blog.

Many people in our community expressed a desire for some guidelines to inform posting and conversation, and now that we have a draft together, we would like to collect feedback from the community on what we're proposing.

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par Eileensujet

In the upcoming 5.43 release significant changes have been made to the code that handles token rendering. The primary goal was to fix technical debt issues that were tying us in knots and holding us back. However some new usability features are also included in 5.43

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par ErikHommelsujet

We, the Community Council, owe all of you an apology. As you might remember the CiviCRM Community Council was elected in April 2020. Some of our members were elected for 2 years and some of us for 1 year. So we should have had an election last April for those members that either stepped down (1) or are at the end of their term.

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par josh sujet Community

Join the Community Council and the Core Team for our next Community Round Table on October 5th (6th depending on time zone). Get general project updates, ask questions, or just hang out and meet the community.

Links below to Time Zone converter:

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par guyiacsujet

One way at Greenleaf Advancement that we try to give back to the CiviCRM community is by offering free user training in the form of one-hour webinars focused on specific areas of Civi. We've recently posted our upcoming training sessions for the next few months. They start between 11 and 1 Eastern US depending on the day and are appropriately called CiviLunch. The first session, on Organizing Your Contacts (because where else would you start!), is this coming Tuesday, September 21st.

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par josh sujet SearchKit

CiviCRM Core Team member Coleman Watts will host a webinar presenting the latest developments in SearchKit, work in progress and future plans on 18 August at 11:00am US ET. Please join in to learn about the latest work or just to get familiar with SearchKit. Info at:

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par Eileensujet
Searching Payments in Civi

In the deep dark past, when CiviCRM was first written, it was assumed that one ‘Order’ (Contribution) could only have one payment. How wrong that was! However, it’s an assumption that plagues us to this day, despite much work having been done to remedy it.

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par joshsujet

Join the Community Council and the Core Team for the 2nd Quarterly Community Round Table tomorrow, July 27th (or 28th, depending on your time zone). There will be two sessions to accommodate various time zones (links below up a Time Zone converter):

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