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par Eileensujet

Just a quick update to say that the 'de-dupe exception table' initiative is now funded for release 3.3. This will allow those poor souls struggling through a big de-dupe to mark some contacts as 'non-matches' and not have to wade through them every time.


This initiative was sponsored by


Creative Commons

Community Builders Australia Pty Ltd

Australian Greens

NES Alumni and Friends Nonprofit Partnership

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par ErikHommel sujet Sprints

Today is the last day of the Bristol code sprint, which was a great experience! Lots done, climbed the Cheddar Gorge and tasted Kurundś famous lamb.... I will also always remember it for finding out I was part of the API team :-)

On a serious level, it is a good idea to have a team of people that take care of the API's. And taking care I think involves:

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par ErikHommelsujet

A couple of blog entries back ( to be precise) Matt Briney was kind enough to share the contacts ERD with us! I promised to put some more on. The entire CiviCRM ERD is too big and complex to be useful in this format, but I have just created one for the location point of view.

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par Eileensujet
So, far the response to Civi-Make-it-Happen has been good. We have got one small item sponsored into 3.3 and a number of donations towards the other items. It also shows on the second search page when you google for 'Make it Happen' :-). As discussed previously there is an option to have your money refunded if the target is not reached by the deadline. Of the contributions made so far the only person who took up that option was contributing towards the CMS User Merge enhancement that is being funded. My perception is that the contributions made so far are primarily by individuals and consultants or end-users who engage directly with CiviCRM (rather than larger organisations who may engage the services of a consultant) and that they are primarily given in support of CiviCRM rather than reflecting a business decision to invest in getting desired functionality. Perhaps I should ask more questions on the contribution page!


We are extending the 3.3 deadline to the 3rd of October to make one last push towards getting more of the initiatives into 3.3 and after that the focus will move to trying to get some more momentum for 3.4. Personally I would LOVE to see the dedupe exception table item get some funding. Anyone who has done deduping themselves will understand why!

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par Eileensujet

I'm pleased to announce that the target for the first of the Civi-Make-it-Happen initiatives has been reached. We have raised $750 to fund enhancing the dedupe functionality to merge CMS user accounts when de-duping. Those of us who are familiar with the experience of clicking on each contact to see which one has a userID before clicking merge will be pleased to see this enhancement and grateful to those who donated.

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par Anonyme sujet Drupal 7

Over the last year rayogram has worked with the New York State Senate to deploy a customized version of CiviCRM 3.2 for each Senate office. In the course of this work, we developed a custom theme for NYSS that leverages much of the template work that we did for the CiviCRM 3.2.


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par Anonyme sujet Meetups

At September's meetup Kyle Jaster from Rayogram presented the newly released SimplyCivi Drupal theme, designed as a cleaner, more useful and user-friendly administration theme for CiviCRM.

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par AllenShawsujet
At Two Mice and a Strawberry, a client has asked for some customization of the Notes features for Contacts. It happens that these features may also be useful for other objects that use Notes, but at the moment we are primarily interested in getting this working for Contacts. In the CiviCRM forum, I had a short exchange with Lobo about the two primary improvements we're looking at:
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par Eileensujet

Sometimes I get frustrated with CiviCRM. For all the great features there are problems / limitations that we seem to keep hitting. So, if lots of people want the same things added / fixed why aren’t they being fixed?

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par Eileensujet

We have been looking at whether it is a good idea to use households and thought I would pull together the various things that have been written about households into a bit of a 'where are they at'.

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