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par yashodhasujet
The first BETA release of version 3.1 is now available for download. You can also try it out on our sandbox site. Please remember it’s a beta release and it shouldn’t be used on production sites.
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par yashodhasujet
We’re happy to announce that CiviCRM 3.1.alpha2 is now available for download. You can also try it out on our sandbox site. Please remember it’s an alpha release and it shouldn’t be used on production sites.
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par Anonyme sujet Drupal 7

hey folks,

The Progressive Technology Project (PTP) has a pilot project running using Powerbase, an enhanced version of CiviCRM for base-building community organizing groups. I am responsible for two of the four sites, a community group in Oakland and one in San Diego. I did a site visit last week and wanted to share some of the feedback I received with the community here. As PTP further develops this database project, we hope to keep contributing to CiviCRM and we thought sharing what comes up could be one way for us to do that.

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par ErikHommelsujet

We had an interesting example today at De Goede Woning. The case was brought up by one of the teammanagers that visited the project group this week to see where we were and what we were doing.

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par Anonyme sujet CiviContribute

Creative Commons has been using CiviCRM for several years. A number of months ago we decided that for our annual fundraising campaign we wanted to streamline the donation process, possibly reducing it to a single click on the CC site.. About a month ago we launched our annual campaign along with a one-click donation process.

The process required a bit of custom coding, but fortunately very few changes to core CiviCRM code. Some of the main benefits of this method are:

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par ErikHommelsujet

We started a project with a Dutch Housing Corporation called 'De Goede Woning' 2 months ago. They use CiviCRM to get a grip on their requirements towards a CRM-package. It is very possible that they will use CiviCRM after the project, but the objective is to understand what CRM means and what is needed for their specific situation. We use bog-standard CiviCRM (version 3.02 on Drupal 6.14 with the Dutch translation) with CiviCase. If you want to know more about the project, let me know! I love telling stories about our projects :-)

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par Anonyme sujet CiviReport, Drupal 7
Introduction: The Need

Progressive Technology Project (PTP) supports grassroots community organizing groups nationwide that engage in social, economic and environmental justice efforts to empower low-income people and communities of color. These groups conduct phone banking and field canvassing as an integral part of their base-building and voter engagement strategies to engage existing and new constituents. PTP hired DharmaTech to help them build PowerBase: a customized CiviCRM for use by community organizing groups.

PowerBase helps groups manage the following data related to phonebanking and field canvassing work:

voter info, history, and demographics reason why the phonebank or canvass is taking place responses to questions asked during the phonebank or canvass phonebank or canvass status primary language spoken
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par lcdweb sujet Joomla

Joomla has a developers camp scheduled for Dec. 5-6 in New York City, geared primarily toward an introduction to Joomla 1.6. Details and event registration are found here: (note the reg form uses Civi for event info/registration!).

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par Anonyme sujet Training
Constituent Relationship Management for Civic Sector (CiviCRM) - Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced
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par Anonyme sujet Meetups
There will be an Asia Blogger Festival in HongKong during 6th~8th Nov. I propose a session about CiviCRM to introduce the NGO 2.0 concept and demostrate CiviCRM via in-depth case study. Unfortunately, it was accepted!! I would like to invite CiviCRM community to help us to make this session betrer. plz feel free to comment it. Thanks!! You can check their website and program at: The following is the abstract for this session:
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