Whenever a new CiviCRM version is released, the announcements tend to focus on new features, which lately have been mostly improvements to SearchKit, FormBuilder and Api4, the underlying tools that will help build new CiviCRM interfaces. While you can already use SearchKit/FormBuilder for custom listings and forms, out of the box, the improvements are not very visible.
The first meeting of the newly constituted CiviCRM Community Council was held July, 13, 2023.
It’s tough not to go down memory lane and talk about the fact that CiviCRM used to support a version that didn’t require a content management system. Alas, it was an idea that was ahead of its time! For whatever reason CiviCRM Standalone faded away, but not quite into oblivion. Over the years there were folks that tried to keep it going and for good reason; it lacks the baggage of any of the CMS’s.
Please join me in congratulating the new CiviCRM Community Council.
There are 11 positions on the council, and we had 11 individuals with two community members who vouched for them, so they are all acclaimed.
The new membership is as follows :
On Friday 2nd June 2023 there is a CiviCamp in Brussels, a wonderful opportunity to meet others in the CiviCRM community, share your stories, hear what others achieve with CiviCRM and enjoy a nice lunch....Sessions from Amnesty International Vlaanderen, Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen and much more.
Still some places left, check for the details on the programme and register today!
Simple conversion tracking for your contribution and event pages
No doubt many organisations use Google Analytics and whilst they probably have lots of tracking in place, we established that current extensions and functionality for CiviCRM did not allow putting monetary value to conversions.