
Restez à l'affut des dernières nouvelles de CiviCRM avec les billets de blogue de développeurs et d'utilisateurs de partout dans le monde.
par Anonyme sujet GSoC

Hi! I am Niko Bochan, a undergraduate student from the University of Bonn, Germany. As part of my Google Summer of Code 2015 project I was working on improving CiviCampaign. My mentor was Björn Endres from SYSTOPIA, which is also – conveniently – based in Bonn.

You can find the last blog post here:

Project Status

All key features have been implemented:

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par Anonyme sujet Tips

CiviCRM has a great feature that allows it to check email boxes and add new contacts and activities based on the emails in that box. Gmail has an awesome system of tags and filters. Emails in Gmail can be very tagged and sorted using a vast number of criteria. Together, Gmail can filter and sort large volumes of email with excellent accuracy, then CiviCRM can import the relevant, and only the relevant emails into the contact records.

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par cividesk sujet Meetups

Venez nous rejoindre et échanger avec les utilisateurs français lors du prochain Meetup !

Mardi 29 Septembre de 17h à 19h.

Plus d'infos et s'inscrire ici. Nous remercions ATD Quart Monde France de leur accueil.

Contact :

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par cividesk sujet Training

You are a current CiviCRM user and you would like to learn more about a particular feature, attend a CiviTip hosted by Cividesk.

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par Anonyme sujet GSoC

Hi, I am Vishal Agarwal a fourth year undergraduate student pursuing Computer Science And Engineering at IIT-Bombay, a Google Summer of Code student for the year 2015. This is the final blogpost on my GSoC project - Integrating Google Analytics with CiviCRM. I was mentored by Kurund Jalmi. This blog post describes the features of my project.


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par pkeogan sujet Case studies and user stories, Drupal 7, Interface and design
The Sustainable Furnishings Council is an educational and marketing organization, promoting healthy environments, inside and outside.
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par Anonyme sujet Case studies and user stories

Development and Alumni Relations at the University of Cambridge migrated their bespoke system for managing Alumni Groups into their Drupal and CiviCRM website.

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par Anonyme sujet GSoC

Hi again, I'm Anudit Verma, a sophomore undergraduate student pursuing Computer Science and Engineering at University School of Information and Communication Technology, in New Delhi, India.This year I worked on Open Supporter Data Interface (OSDI) API implementation into CiviCRM project as a 2015 Google Summer of Code student. This is my second blog post in which I will be concluding and summarizing the work I have done past this summer.

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par Anonyme sujet GSoC
GSoC Concluding Blog (Refunds and Partial Payments for CiviCRM)

I am Tahir Ramzan, pursuing Masters in Computer Science at Virtual University of Pakistan. I was working on refunds, partial refunds and partial payments development for CiviCRM in this Google summer of code. Parvez Saleh was mentoring this project.

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par colemanw sujet Annonces de nouvelles versions, Security Releases

If you are currently using 4.6.7 and your site uses ACLs to segment access to contacts you are strongly encouraged to upgrade. The 4.6.7 release included a regression in the ACL system which caused certain contact access permissions to behave improperly. The 4.4 LTS branch was unaffected.

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