Release Date
Release Version
Release Status
Release CiviCRM Compatibility
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<extension key="com.physicianhealth.sms.ringcentral" type="module">
<name>RingCentral SMS</name>
<description>SMS provider for RingCentral. Also works with Telus which rebrands RingCentral.</description>
<author>Physician Health Program of BC</author>
<url desc="Documentation"></url>
<comments>The extension creates an optional custom field set that will appear on contact records that are linked to CMS login accounts. If you are also using the virtual PBX features of RingCentral where each user has their own phone number then this allows for per-user settings where the FROM number that appears on an outgoing SMS is the logged-in user's phone number.</comments>
<psr0 prefix="CRM_" path="."/>
<psr4 prefix="Civi\" path="Civi"/>
<extension key="com.physicianhealth.sms.ringcentral" type="module">
<name>RingCentral SMS</name>
<description>SMS provider for RingCentral. Also works with Telus which rebrands RingCentral.</description>
<author>Physician Health Program of BC</author>
<url desc="Documentation"></url>
<comments>The extension creates an optional custom field set that will appear on contact records that are linked to CMS login accounts. If you are also using the virtual PBX features of RingCentral where each user has their own phone number then this allows for per-user settings where the FROM number that appears on an outgoing SMS is the logged-in user's phone number.</comments>
<psr0 prefix="CRM_" path="."/>
<psr4 prefix="Civi\" path="Civi"/>