"Customize your Database with Custom Fields and Profiles" on-line training - Feb. 22nd

2018-02-15 15:39
Written by
cividesk - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Cividesk has created an on-line training session to guide you through the basics of creating custom fields and to show you how to use profiles to gather custom data from contacts through the creation of an on-line form. When you leave this class, you'll be able to customize CiviCRM to gather and store data that is unique to your organization, as well as better understand the various uses of profiles in CiviCRM.

Join us next Thursday, February 22nd from 12 to 2 pm (Mountain Time) for this on-line training session taught by Cividesk. 

Questions? please contact Cividesk training manager, Susan Engeman at susan@cividesk.com.

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