Donor Journey sprint final thoughts

2014-04-15 02:07
Written by
ErikHommel - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

A final blog about our Donor Journey sprint with Steinar and Helen from MAF Norge. Or I should really say our sprint on CiviCRM Trigger Action. We set out to at least create the first basic version of the engine to automatically do stuff based on stuff in CiviCRM :-) Some kind of mechanism that would allow MAF Norge to automatically move donors into specific groups once they have contributed for the first time or set up a recurring payment for example. I feel we have made a good really start on the engine, for more technical details read the previous blogposts by Jaap Jansma (jaapjansma in Civispeak). The first test was quite successfull, and going through the list of triggers with Steinar worked pretty well. As we expected we did make one of the most unsexy things ever, which is a nightmare to configure. So even though Helen and Steinar can work with it, it is not something I would hesitate to hand out to everyone...but it is freely availabe on GitHub obviously (check if you are interested). Enough left on our wishlist for more sprints on the Donor Journey stuff, hopefully there will be other parties in the CiviCRM community interested enough to contribute and/or fund :-) If we manage to build on this as a community I am confident we can make CiviCRM an even more wonderful tool for fundraisers!

I want to close the week by telling you a little bit about the longer term dream that I gathered from Ilja de Coster from Amnesty International Flanders. He is a passionate fundraiser AND a passionate data miner. His dream is to be able to combine the transaction data from CiviCRM with other data sources in his datamining utility RapidMiner, do some magic analysis in to classify donors and then move it back into CiviCRM for automatic processing. So based on the donor payment history, the weather forecast, the geographical areas and age differentation CiviCRM automatically sends out a mailing or contacts the call centre with a target list. We believe that we can and will get there using CiviCRM. Using the engine we just started to create. Probably establishing a link between the donor status in the datamining toolset and CiviCRM group membership. Being part of making that dream happen was and will remain incredibly exciting! I just love CiviCRM and the CiviCRM community....:-)


Anonymous (nem ellenőrzött)
2014-04-16 - 08:02

We would be interested in helping to fund this with other organizations to get it to a releasable state.  Where can we sign up on that list?

Anonymous (nem ellenőrzött)
2014-04-21 - 13:46

I tried installing the extension in 4.4.5 and it crashed.... then I see that in the Info file the release level is set to 4.2.  Which is a bit surprising... is this correct?  If so, any plans for 4.4?  PS. I'm working with Kelley Parfitt on this.

Anonymous (nem ellenőrzött)
2019-06-11 - 12:58

In this post, anticipate that us should separate a portion of the nuts and bolts as presented in the book, similar to why you ought to think about a run, subtleties of the dash procedure system, and how to structure a run group. At that point, we'll plunge into a false five-day run that pursues an aggressive objective, taking you from Monday right to Friday. I will share this news on my platform