Washington DC CiviCRM Meetup this Wednesday!

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2009-04-20 08:18
Written by
Névtelen (nem ellenőrzött) - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
The adoption of CiviCRM in the past couple of years has boomed, and as of late Trellon has taken on some rather large implementations of the CRM system for advocacy and international development organizations. The CiviCRM community has been lacking local user groups to support developers, administrators and persons interested in learning more about the platform. In response to this need, we have decided to start the first Washington DC CiviCRM Meetup group. We hope that this will spark a series of CiviCRM Meetup groups to spring up around the country. In the future, Trellon will be working with our team around the country to start and support groups in Boston, San Francisco, and New York City. The purpose of this user group is to bring CiviCRM developers, administrators, enthusiasts, and prospective users in the DC/Maryland/Virginia area together to learn about the platform. We will demo new and custom functionality within the system, talk about best practices for using the CRM to build strong relationships with constituents and provide training on CiviCRM's vast features. The DC CiviCRM Meetup will hold it's first meeting this Wednesday, April 22nd from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at the latest Adams Morgan hot spot, The Black Squirrel. Since this is the first meeting, we will do introductions and a CiviCRM Speed Show and Tell, giving people 5 minutes to give a visual or spoken presentation to demonstrate what they are doing with CiviCRM. We will close out with a discussion on what topics people would like for future CiviCRM Meetups. If you would like to present, come prepared with a laptop. We look forward to seeing you there!


Anonymous (nem ellenőrzött)
2009-05-01 - 14:31

We would be thrilled to participate in (and even host) a NYC meet up (depending on the size of the crowd)! jane@rayogram.com