Experimenting with Activity Calendars

2011-08-29 13:27
Written by
totten - member of the CiviCRM community and Core Team member - about the Core Team

Several CiviCRM users have expressed an interest in managing CiviCRM activities with a smooth, interactive calendar screen.  Since calendaring can be a complex topic, we've put together a basic, working calendar to facilitate discussion.  The prototype resembles the calendar included in other relationship-management tools:

Calendar screenshot

The calendar is implemented in three pieces: (1) the excellent jquery-week-calendar plugin provides a rich Javascript interface for dragging and dropping calendar items, (2) arms_recur provides an API for creating recurring activities, and (3) example_calendar integrates these pieces into the CiviCRM interface.

If you think that a rich calendar interface would improve CiviCRM, then please give the prototype a spin and give some feedback.  What features make the most sense in a CiviCRM activity calendar?  What's good or bad about the prototype?  How should such a calendar interact with other calendaring tools -- do we need to reinvent Outlook or Google Calendar, or can we carve out a clear niche? What resources can you provide to help make this happen?


As a proof-of-concept, the example_calendar isn't implemented to the same standards as much of CiviCRM, and deploying it requires PHP developer skills.  Notably, it has been tested with Drupal 6 using CiviCRM 2.2 and 3.4, but it hasn't been tested with any other configurations.  Additionally, the arms_recur module must install some MySQL triggers -- this only works correctly in certain configurations (e.g. MySQL 5.1 with a unified Drupal+CiviCRM database); if you have a different configuration, I can't help much, but you may be able to prepare the triggers yourself. (Read "function arms_recur_arms_trigger" in arms_recur.module.)


1. Download and extract the modules example_calendar, arms_recur, and arms_util from http://code.locker10.com/
     export WEBROOT=/var/www/civi/drupal
     cd $WEBROOT/sites/all/modules/
     wget http://code.locker10.com/arms_util-latest.tar.gz
     wget http://code.locker10.com/arms_recur-latest.tar.gz
     wget http://code.locker10.com/example_calendar-latest.tar.gz
     tar xvzf arms_util-latest.tar.gz
     tar xvzf arms_recur-latest.tar.gz
     tar xvzf arms_calendar-latest.tar.gz
2. If you are working with a stable release of CiviCRM, then you probably need
   to update the images and CSS for the jQuery UI library. This can be done by:
     cd $WEBROOT/sites/all/modules/civicrm
     rsync -va $WEBROOT/sites/all/modules/example_calendar/lib/week-calendar/libs/css/smoothness/./ packages/jquery/css/./
     patch -p0 < $WEBROOT/sites/all/modules/example_calendar/civicrm.css.diff
3. Find the Drupal "files" directory and create a subdirectory called "arms_util" with can be read and written by PHP.
   For example:
      mkdir $WEBROOT/sites/default/files/arms_util
      chown www-data $WEBROOT/sites/default/files/arms_util
4. Activate the example_calendar module
5. Update the CiviCRM menu by visiting http://EXAMPLE.COM/civicrm/menu/rebuild?reset=1
6. In the CiviCRM menu, navigate to "Other -> Calendar"
7. In the upper-right corner of the calendar, click on the "settings" button
   and choose some filter options.
8. Use the calendar!


Anonymous (nem ellenőrzött)
2011-08-29 - 19:55

I had similar issues with a Civi install (and continue to have them with recurring activities which client is screaming for) and went down a similar path cobbling the excellent fullcalendar into something that could display both activities and events (in the screenshot, events are blue).

Other must have function included:

  • The ability to print out a calendar.
  • Different views (month/week/day)
  • Being able to see activities for "teams" (in mine, people with a role)

This tends to be a particular pain point if users have come from a desktop application (in this case Goldmine) or even if they have much familiarity with Google calendar.

Keep up the great work!


Anonymous (nem ellenőrzött)
2011-08-29 - 19:59

Válasz Anonymous (nem ellenőrzött) üzenetére

For some reason my image didn't attach.  At any rate will try out the prototype and tell you how I go.

Anonymous (nem ellenőrzött)
2011-08-29 - 23:29

Válasz Anonymous (nem ellenőrzött) üzenetére

Is the code already uploaded somewhere or could you share it?



fullcalendar looks like a great widget, and it seems more comprehensive than weekcalendar.


If you're having an issue with recurring activities, you should take a look at the arms_recur module. A few interesting things to note:

 * It supports scheduling based on day-of-week over a period of time. (e.g. "Every Tuesday and Thursday for the next two months")

 * It uses a mental model similar to Google calendar's for applying changes to "this one activity", "all activities in the same schedule", and "future activities in the same schedule".

 * There are fairly extensive unit-tests for things like enabling, disabling, and rescheduling activities.

 * There's a backwards compatibility mechanism (based on SQL triggers) which ensures that any pre-existing code (SQL/PHP/whatever) which manipulates activities will have a well-defined behavior (i.e. legacy code uses "this one activity" mode).

Anonymous (nem ellenőrzött)
2011-09-01 - 02:46

Válasz Anonymous (nem ellenőrzött) üzenetére

Looks interesting, and sorry tim, seems that I prefer fullcalendar as the supporting widget ;)


Is this a module you developped? Could you share the code?



Anonymous (nem ellenőrzött)
2011-09-04 - 22:16



Was trying to get this up and running but couldn't find  Arms_actperm to install?



It's not really a dependency, though -- it shouldn't even be referenced, except that I was too lazy to design a proper hook. It's referenced maybe twice in arms_recur.module, and they're both guarded references ("if (function_exists(...))...").


Anyway, the module works without it, so I've removed the dependency clause from arms_recur.info and put up a new tarball.

Anonymous (nem ellenőrzött)
2011-09-08 - 23:29

Válasz totten üzenetére

I downloaded the latest tarball but the reference in arms_recur.info was still there so not sure whether I've grabbed the right version (I just re-grabbed the file at http://code.locker10.com/arms_recur-latest.tar.gz).  At any rate I've manually removed the clause from arms_recur.info manually and the module enables.


Going to the calendar though draws the widget but it remains in a "Processing..." state.  Any ideas?  I'll jump in and have a look now.


Also the instructions reference example_calendar in the wget (http://code.locker10.com/example_calendar-latest.tar.gz) and arms_calendar-latest in the tar (arms_calendar-latest.tar.gz).  Which one is right.  I'd tried arms_calendar-latest, but will try example_calendar as well.

Anonymous (nem ellenőrzött)
2011-09-09 - 00:21

Válasz Anonymous (nem ellenőrzött) üzenetére

i.e. at <webroot>/admin/build/services should I see the services defined in the ARM module?

Note that Tim pointed out on IRC that this exists now

https://civicrm.org/extensions/contact-calendar which "is a CiviCRM extension that displays activities where the contact is an assignee or a target contact. The calendar is useful when the activities are in the future and people can plan thier schedule"