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By ErikHommel Filed under Extensions

I have just published a new extension Former Communication Data.

The extension simply saves emailaddresses, phone numbers and address details in a separate tab on the contact summary when they are deleted as you can see in the attached screen print.

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By SYSTOPIA Filed under Development Tools, CiviMail, Community, Extensions, Make it happen

How can we find a user-friendly way of creating templates for serial letters and other mass communication? Is it possible to integrate CiviCRM with open-source online applications to facilitate the creation of office templates for our users?

This has been bothering us for some time, because many of our users find it hard to set up and work with templates in HTML format. So we started a proof of concept to check possible options… and we found an answer!

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By cividesk Filed under Training

Back by popular demand, Cividesk is offering a week of intensive training on the Fundamentals of CiviCRM the week of April 15th - 19th.

This promotion incorporates all of our basics classes: Contacts, Membership, Events, Contributions, Emailing (one class per day) and is an excellent opportunity to quickly train new staff or learn more about a particular module in CiviCRM. 

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By cividesk Filed under Case studies and user stories
The mission of The First Tee of Denver is to educate and inspire youth academically, socially and physically through the game of golf. The First Tee offers group lessons where students learn not only golf, but core values that are incorporated throughout the program, such as honesty and responsibility.  
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By alejandro_salgado Filed under Partners, CiviCamp, CiviCon, Community, Sprints, Teams

Don't forget your sunscreen! The Global Community Summit is coming to Barcelona on October: Register Now!

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By ayduns Filed under Internationalization and Localization

Do you want to use Civi in multiple languages? This new feature adds more options to enable users to access CiviCRM in their language of choice.

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By josh Filed under Statistics, Sustainability

It’s been a long time coming, but we finally managed to post the Core Team’s financials online in a format that not only shows where we’re at but also breaks down our income and expenses over the past 12 months. We’ve maintained project stats online for some time at so it made sense to just add a new tab there. Check it out here.

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By cividesk Filed under Training

Cividesk offers a variety of live instruction online training courses for new and current users of CiviCRM. Join us on April 4th at 10 am MT/12 pm ET for our Organizing a Fundraising Campaign training session that is designed for current users of CiviCRM.

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By Névtelen Filed under Tips

One of the questions we occasionally get from our clients concerns how users can search for non-primary emails, addresses, and phone numbers in CiviCRM.  Because so many constituents use different emails for different purposes - one for billing, one for bulk emails, and so forth - it can become a challenge to locate people in your data.  However, we have a couple of suggestions for how you can search across all emails, phone numbers, and addresses.

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By Eileen Filed under Extensions
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