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By Névtelen Filed under CiviCon

We are very excited for this year’s CiviCon UK which promises to be bigger and better than ever! We have:

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By Névtelen Filed under Architecture, CiviCon, Drupal 7

A big thank you to all our CiviCON UK Sponsors. Here's a special post from Gold Sponsor Yoti:


Over the last 15 years I’ve probably been responsible for around 50 or so websites or microsites that in some way or another have tried to gather people’s data.  Either to enter into an event, join a forum or buy something.  And like most other marketeers I’ve been obsessed by two things.  Funnels and Data. i.e how easily are people signing up and how much do I now know about my customers.  I’ve always known that by asking people for more information there was a danger people would drop out of my acquisition funnel but we marketeers are hungry for data. We want it all and we want it now.

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By herbdool Filed under Backdrop

If you've been holding back from using Backdrop because your site requires the popular and powerful CiviCRM, hold back no longer. You can now easily install CiviCRM on Backdrop, or migrate it from your Drupal 7/CiviCRM setup.

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By totten Filed under Architecture, Release announcements, Tips

Compatibility with PHP 5.3 will end in December 2017, and compatibility with PHP 5.4 will end in March 2018. These changes follow a number of discussions and a multi-year deprecation process. The current recommended version is PHP 5.6.

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By totten Filed under Architecture, Release announcements

The 4.7.24 release is scheduled for the first Wednesday of September. Ordinarily, there would be an announcement about the release-candidate (RC) in mid-August, but we're doing something a bit different this time around -- extending the RC to a full month, which mean the RC is available now at

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By Névtelen Filed under CiviCon

...are growing!

At CiviCon Cologne in June we had this mysterious wooden cubes as little give-aways. Every participant took one home and now we want to see the plants!

Please comment this post and publish a photo of your magic cube.

At CiviCon UK in October we will nominate the greenest fingers…

We are curious about it!


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By guyiac Filed under CiviCamp, CiviCon

CiviCamp Is coming to Hartford! This inaugural event is taking place on Monday, October 2nd at the beautiful and iconic Connecticut Science Center on the Connecticut River in Hartford, CT. 

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By mattwire Filed under CiviContribute, Extensions, Finance and Accounting

I'm please to announce the release of a new Smart Debit extension for CiviCRM 4.7.

The new extension is based on the vedaconsulting ( extensions for previous releases of CiviCRM but is rewritten and includes a number of new features and enhancements.  Development and Testing has been funded by Circle Interactive ( and implemented by MJW Consulting (

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By jaapjansma Filed under Development Tools, API, Architecture, Community, Documentation, Drupal 7, Drupal 8+, Sprints

CiviCooP and Systopia and Palasthotel have been working together on CiviProxy and CiviProxy. This blog is a round up of what we have achieved in the last couple of days. The first thing we have achieved is that we had fun and a very good work atmosphere. We made long days and made lots of progress.

What are CiviProxy and CiviMcRestFace?

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