Amnesty International Vlaanderen ( have been using CiviCRM to support their processes for more than 10 years, supported by CiviCooP ( and Systopia ( In the rest of this blog if I use the word we it represents Amnesty International Vlaanderen, CiviCooP and Systopia.
One of the first specific extensions that we developed together was one to import a CSV file with street recruitment donations for a specific agency. This would automatically create contacts, (recurring) donations, activities and group memberships (newsletter). This has helped us greatly over the years and reduced the time between a donor signing up in the street and the first collection of money dramatically.
As time moved on we faced a growing need to quickly implement new agencies, which was complicated as the functionality was based on one agency and their specific data format. With a lot of data manipulation we managed but it was not easy and it took quite some ICT involvement to add a new agency.
In 2023 we developed a new extension which allows the rapid implementation of a new agency for street recruitment almost without ICT support. The extension uses a Form Processor ( to process the incoming data into contacts, SEPA mandates (recurring and one-off donations, see, activities and group memberships. The fundraising team can map the incoming fields from the new agency to the input fields of that Form Processor. The only required ICT involvement focuses around actually making a connection with the data server of the agency to pull data.
I have attached a few screen prints showing some of the processes. The extension that was developed is specific for Amnesty International Vlaanderen as it closely matches their processes and configuration, but is fairly easily adaptable for other organizations. If you are interested or want to know more drop me an email at (erik dot hommel at civicoop dot org).