Blog posts by cividesk

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By cividesk Filed under Meetups

Venez nous rejoindre et échanger avec les utilisateurs français lors du prochain Meet up !

Jeudi 18 Juin de 17h à 19h.

Plus d'infos et s'inscrire ici. Nous remercions CCFD-Terre Solidaire pour leur accueil.

Contact :

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By cividesk Filed under Training

Cividesk propose régulièrement des sessions de formation en ligne en français, sur les principaux composants de CiviCRM (Contacts, Evénements et Contributions), ainsi que des webinars "Découverte de CiviCRM".

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By cividesk Filed under Training

Cividesk will be offering several on-line CiviCRM classes (Contacts, Membership, Events and Contributions) during the month of May for new users and those in need of a refresher course.  Click here for more information on all classes or email

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By cividesk Filed under Case studies and user stories

An Interview with the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce of Texas

The Italy America Chamber of Commerce (IACC) of Texas provides business related services to Italian companies interested in doing business in the US and to the Italian-American business community in Texas. The chamber hosts Italian delegations in various business sectors and arranges meetings to assist them in finding partners or investment opportunities. They also provide translation and interpretation services for the Italian Consulate, organize networking and business events and advertise employment information to the community. In addition to their Houston office, they have branches in Austin and New Orleans, Louisiana. Cividesk recently interviewed Alessia Paolicchi, Executive Director, about the chamber’s experiences transitioning to CiviCRM and the benefits it has provided.

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By cividesk Filed under Training

Cividesk will be offering several on-line CiviCRM training classes in April designed for new users or those in need of a refresher. Each two-hour training session focuses in depth on one topic (Contacts, Membership, Events and Contributions). Class size is kept small to allow for Q &A. Visit our website for more information on specific curriculum, dates and cost. Additional questions?

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By cividesk Filed under Training

Cividesk will be offering several on-line CiviCRM training classes during the month of March designed for new users or those in a need of a refresher course. Each two-hour training session focuses in depth on one topic (Contacts, Membership, Events and Contributions). Class size is kept small to allow for Q &A. Click here for more information on specific curriculum, dates and cost. Additional questions?

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By cividesk Filed under Case studies and user stories

An interview with Heart of A Warrior Charitable Foundation

Heart of A Warrior (HOAW) Charitable Foundation supports educational, cultural, and life-enhancing enrichment programs targeted to underserved children in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Cividesk recently spoke with Jeff Martini, executive director about his experiences learning and using CiviCRM and how it has benefited his organization.

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By cividesk Filed under Community, Marketing and Promotion

There are many CiviCRM experts around the world. But how do you find them?

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By cividesk Filed under Case studies and user stories

Spark Inside is an innovative new charity supporting young people in the criminal justice system to create more meaningful and productive futures through professional life coaching. Our pilot program was met with significant success; an independent evaluation of our one-to-one coaching program with 8 teenage boys leaving prison showed that one year after they had been released, the re-offending rate was 12.5%, compared to the national average of 70%. This year, we expect to offer coaching to 200 young people in prison.

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By cividesk Filed under Internationalization and Localization, Statistics

This post is the first in a series that will present results from the CiviCRM statistics project. It will focus on better framing the organizations that use CiviCRM. Further posts will explore the technologies used to run CiviCRM, the software development process, the CiviCRM community and communications, and lift the hood on how our statistics are created and processed.

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