A different approach to CiviCRM developer training

2012-01-11 09:42
Written by
ErikHommel - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

During the december 2011 sprint in The Netherlands we discussed a different approach to the developer training sessions. We wanted to bring the approach in line with the user and administrator training sessions developed during the sprint following CiviCon London 2011. In short this means we do not try to focus on dealing with all aspects of CiviCRM but focus more on the needs of the participants. The aim is not to learn all there is to learn but to learn enough to get started. So rather than a complete training guide we (Erik Brouwer, Michael Lenahan and me) created a set of trainer instructions and a couple of building blocks, to be extended by other community members as well. Have a look at this page on the wiki http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRM/CiviCRM+Developer+Trainer+Instructions. Obviously we would like to receveive comments, hear about your experiences using the building blocks and instructions and most of all we invite you all to contribute!

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Anonymous (non verificato)
2012-01-27 - 09:03



I would like to join it online. I cant travel.

Can we have participants attend it online. Yes they too pay the registration fee.