API version 3 - we need your help!

2011-01-18 08:24
Written by
ErikHommel - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines


Earlier this week we (Eileen, Piotr, Xavier, Michal for some of it and me) had a meeting about the work to be done to get the v3 version of the API out with CiviCRM 3.4. For those of you that are not aware of this, we are making some standardization improvements to the API. Because of backward compatibilty issues we are creating a v3 API, so people can still use the current v2 version for some time. But we strongly encourage everyone to start using the v3 versions as soon as possible as this will make the standardization (and therefore maintenance, documentation etc) happen sooner than later!

We decided to create a wiki page that will contain instructions on what has to be done to migrate an API to v3 which you can find here:


and a wiki page which lists the API's and functions, where everyone can list their name against an API / function that they are willing to migrate, ideally before Feb 9 2011 (code freeze date for CiviCRM 3.4). This list can be found here:


So all of you that want to get involved....your help will be VERY appreciated and is necessary to get the improvements we would like, in the coming weeks and in the future. We can certainly use all the help we can get and more!  ;D The task of maintaining the API and the unit tests, standardizing, improving the documentation and creating webcasts / tutorials that will assist people in getting started is huge, and is only feasible if we step up as a community. 

This blog is also a request to let us all (API team, core team and all community members) know what you need to get involved and lend a hand. We would like as many of you out there involved as possible, and we want to help you to get stuck in! So let us know....



Matt Chapman (non verificato)
2011-01-18 - 12:26

Can we please stop this crazy version numbering? Let's just call the API released with CiviCRM 4.0 API4. Doesn't anybody remember the 1.9 v2 5 6 mess?



Not sure I get what you are referring to, but the api version is supposed to move way slower than the civicrm version. ie. the next api version (that comes after the current one called v2) is hopefully going to last more than civicrm 3.4/4.0


What would be the issue?

That's quite common to have api numbers that are different than the software number (usually lower, cause we aim at keeping the same api much longer).




P.S. For the record, don't care what name we give, as long as it's different than v2, but saying that the version after two is three doesn't seem that crazy to me.


P.S2 No matter the name, you are more than welcome to give a hand migrating to the new version!