First day of Apeldoorn sprint

2012-09-24 10:14
Written by
ErikHommel - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Today was the first day of the Apeldoorn part of the post-CiviCon sprints. A bit of a chaotic day with people coming in, shopping and lots of logistics. A nice cold too on top of that, although a real community one! Alice and Xavier are suffering from the same cold.....Xavier at home in bed, and Alice and I shared a sniffing office today :-) I did get a first draft on my requirements for CiviMobile Activities and Cases, blog post to follow. I am planning to discuss that with Kurund and later Peter McAndrew tomorrow. And I hope to get a wiki page on how the latest API should behave done with Eileen (the Queen of API) on Wednesday. More to follow!

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