Useful CiviCRM Benelux meeting in Apeldoorn

2011-04-15 11:14
Written by
ErikHommel - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

We had a good CiviCRM meetup in Apeldoorn today, hosted by De Goede Woning. Willem Peters from qbset ( showed the first version of qbMobile, a native iPhone/Android app that he is developing for a specific customer.

Bram Lipsch from De Goede Woning ( showed the result of a long implementation project which is going live on 6th June, when roughly 75 people at De Goede Woning will start using CiviCRM as their relationship management system. They were supported by EE-atWork ( in their project.

We spoke about creating some kind of payment processor for the Dutch market, where almost all web payments are done by iDeal and credit cards are hardly used. Most of the organizations present were interested, so we will start a Dutch Make it Happen project on the Dutch CiviCRM user site (

The last presentation was for me, where I presented the API v3 (which obviously received lots of applause :-)). We ended with a drink and informal exchanges. Good meetup!

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Sarah Gladstone (non verificato)
2011-04-15 - 11:44

Was anything mentioned about the date that qbMobile will be available in the AppStore or the Android Marketplace?

Yes it was....and the answer was that Willem (the developer) does not know yet, especially where the AppStore is concerned...partially depending on the rather aggressive reputation of US lawyers :-) In Europe we can get insured for liability in all countries of the globe apart from the US! I believe he was going to contact Lobo and see if it could become part of CiviCRM in some sort of way. But if you are interested I'd recommend to contact qbSet directly? (

Well done Erik - it goes without saying that you deserve a warm ...