Webinar on CiviCRM data visualization extension

2014-05-18 23:53
Written by
ErikHommel - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

I think I saw the first demo of the CiviCRM extension dataviz after the post-CiviCon London sprint. Xavier Dutoit had been working real hard on this, and Hannelore and me were very impressed! The possibilities are great, and data visualization is IMO so much better than numbers on a report! Data becomes so much more alive.

I immediately thought it would be a great topic for a webinar. Last month I spent a co-working day with Xavier and we installed dataviz on the development server of MAF Norway and they were suitably impressed too! On top of that, the data visualization will be part of the Google Summer of Code (see https://civicrm.org/blogs/kreynen/gsoc-meet-the-students).

As we want everyone to be able to see what CiviCRM dataviz can do for them, we scheduled a webinar! On 27 May 2014 at 17.00 CET (checkhttp://http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meeting.html for your local time) Xavier Dutoit will show you what he has done with dataviz, I will take you through some contribution analysis and Siddharth Gupta will assist us where necessary.

The webinar will be held on Google Hangout, please let me know if you want an invitation! Mail me at erik.hommel@civicoop.org. A recording of the webinar will be posted on this blog after the event.

Please note that to take part in a Google Hangout you will have to make sure that:

  • you have a Google+ account
  • you add me to your circles on Google+
  • you let me know by mail you would like an invite to the Hangout on Air
  • if you just want to view, you should always be able to do that once you found the webinar (find me on Google+ and you should see the hangout!

If you want an impression on possibilities, check http://www.score-ep.org/


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