Blog posts by Anonimo

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By AnonimoFiled under

We are excited to announce the release of CiviHR 1.4 beta - a version that is all about increased usefulness of existing modules based on feedback from our valued nonprofit partners. A very special thank you to Katherine Causton from UK Youth, Jane Doughty from Farm Africa, Aparna Patil and Archana Bagra from SNEHA, and Bhavini Goswami and Amit Shah from AKRSPI for some great suggestions! 

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By Anonimo Filed under Case studies and user stories, Make it happen

The Great Lakes Planetarium Association (GLPA) is an organization dedicated to supporting planetarium professionals. Prior to 2011, our solution for membership management utilized a Microsoft Access database. This proved to be difficult when transitioning from one Membership Chairperson to another, and provided no remote access for other individuals in the organization that needed to know who the current members were.

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By Anonimo Filed under Internationalization and Localization

With CiviCRM 4.5 around the corner, it's time to talk about one of the great new features in this release: improved handling of non-English names and greetings!

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By Anonimo Filed under Community, Drupal 7, Joomla, Sprints, WordPress

We're approaching the middle of the third day of the 2014 East Coast code sprint, situated in a bucolic farmhouse just outside of Frederick, Maryland. The location has made this sprint a little different, with some people being able to commute back and forth. In total, 14 or so sprinters have been working on webtests, improvements to CiviVolunteer, and improvements to buildkit for all platforms, which some renewed focus on Joomla and Wordpress.

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By Anonimo Filed under WordPress

I am developing a CiviCRM installation for a client. The charity uses a colour-coding system to note their service users’ medical conditions. The client was keen to carry this colour coding over into the database. The trick was getting the CRM to use the correct colour code depending on what condition has been selected.

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By Anonimo Filed under GSoC

Hi I am Aditya Nambiar a third year undergraduate student pursuing Computer Science at IIT Bombay.This is final blog post on my project - Visualization for Mailing stats and A/B testing. I shall be explaining the work flow of my project in the blog post  

Listing Page

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By Anonimo Filed under GSoC

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Hi, I'm Siddhant Rajagopalan, a third year Undergraduate student studying CSE from IIT Bombay.

This is the final blog post regarding my GSoC project, “Mail Blast UI”.

My blog post which talks about my project can be seen at

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By Anonimo Filed under CiviCon, CiviEvent, Make it happen

Generously funded by Zing, Civicon London will see the launch of new functionality enabling Civi to handle recurring events and much more. Rather than being restricted to ‘one-off’ events, Civi will now handle far more complex scenarios.

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By Anonimo Filed under Case studies and user stories

For over 15 years, NDItech has been in the business of developing technologies for development. One of our newest pet projects is called DemTools, or the Democracy Toolkit. DemTools is a set of four webapps to solve some of the most common problems our global partners experience: civic organizing, managing constituent relationships, tracking election data and fostering civic debates.

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By Anonimo Filed under Case studies and user stories

The 4.5 Documentation Dash,held on Sunday, July  27th and Monday July 28th, was a remote sprint designed to finish documenting all the new features coming up in CiviCRM 4.5 and finalise the restructured Membership section.  With typical CiviCRM flexibility people worked on issues before, during and after the designated Dash days.

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