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By yashodha Filed under Release announcements, Security Releases

The team is excited to announce the seventh release of 4.2 stable with support for Drupal 7, Joomla 2.5 and WordPress 3.3.

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By Anonimo Filed under Case studies and user stories, CiviReport

The goal was to allow a Civi admin to go to the Advanced Search page, enter criteria and then view results as a list of contacts, with all that individual's contributions appearing in an indented list below the contact.  Selected data would then be exportable in a complete form, with all available info about the contact.  A list of each donor's contributions are pivoted and laid out as columns at the end of the row, along with various, calculated LYBUNT flags.

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By alejandro_salgado Filed under Meetups

December 13th., Big Day for CiviCRM Spanish-spoken community

2 simultaneous events in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and OpenExpo in Madrid (Spain)

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By bgm Filed under CiviContribute, Extensions

An organisation I work with wishes to extend the Personal Campaign Page (PCP) to allow teams to raise money either using their group PCP page, or individual PCP pages of each team member. In other words, the team organiser creates a PCP page and sets a team objective. The organiser then invites members to join its group. By doing so, the team member creates its own PCP page with a personnal objective.

In terms of functionality:

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By Eileen Filed under CiviCon

Come to the inaugural CiviCon Downunder!!! CiviCon Sydney 2013 - I'm Going!


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By Eileen Filed under CiviReport, Extensions

I seem to spend a large amount of time helping people to get data back out of CiviCRM. I'm a big fan of the reports framework and up until 4.2  I made a number of improvements to the core reports for my customers. However, from 4.2 I switched to doing reports in an extension. I have been doing almost all my reports in the extended reports extension and have been playing with a few ideas in that extension. Some of them are well developed, others are in the early stages.


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By ErikHommel Filed under Architecture, CiviCase, Documentation

Just created a quick ERD for CiviCase, and shared it on this page

It is version 3.3, so not the latest and greatest. But I am sure I will have to check the same ERD for version 4 at a near point in the future and update the ERD too. And I do not think there are major differences in the data model......

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By Anonimo Filed under Meetups

The next London CiviCRM meetup on Wednesday 28th November.  We've run some really sucessful meetups over the last couple of years and we're looking forward to another great turn out.

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By colemanw Filed under Extensions

If you are using CiviCRM Webform Integration with Drupal 7, there has been a security release to fix potential permissions problems - you should upgrade the module as soon as possible.

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By AnonimoFiled under

Zing is planning the development of a CiviHR module.

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