This is an open invitation for everyone in the Asia/Pacific region to join other Australians, New Zealanders etc. on-line to catch-up and discuss all things CiviCRM. If you are a CiviCRM user, developer or casual user with questions, then you are most welcome to join us.The meeting is only 1 hour and has a set agenda (depending on number of people attending this may be shortened).

Agileware are pleased to announce the immediate availabil

Agileware are pleased to announce the immediate availability of
Several spots are still available for Fundamentals of Contact Management - a beginner-level online training course brought to you by Cividesk on May 12, 2020 at 11 am - 1 pm PT | 12 -
As of CiviCRM 5.25, the minimum required PHP version is version 7.1, with PHP 7.3 being the recommended version. Since Drupal 6 does not support PHP 7.1 (except LTS vendors, such as myDropWizard), and since there are very few active CiviCRM sites on Drupal 6, we have decided to officially stop supporting Drupal 6.
In late January, the CiviCRM Core Team published its 2019 annual report which laid out its objectives for 2020. While we’ve managed the occasional update somewhat randomly in the past, we’d like to stick to a cadence of quarterly updates going forward in order to communicate progress on our priorities. This update provides an overview of the first quarter of 2020 as well as reflects on what we see happening for the remainder of the year.
Several spots are still available for Fundamentals of Contact Management - a beginner-level online training course brought to you by Cividesk on April 23, 2020 at 10 am - 12 pm PT | 11
Back in September 2019, we had announced a plan to upgrade the content management system (CMS) running the website, as well as plans to make available in many languages. Today I'm happy to announce that we have reached a major milestone: most of the static content, user logins, blogs and many CiviCRM forms are now being served from Drupal8.
We are pleased to announce the results of the recent CiviCRM Community Council Election 2020.
The Council comprises 11 seats. Normally each council member will serve for 2 years but since this is the first annual election, half will serve for 1 year.
The following are elected for 2 years:
Alice Aguilar Alison Barham Detlev Sieber Erik Hommel Rose LanniganThe following are elected for 1 year:
CiviCRM was built to be a CRM for organizational data with which users may leverage powerful components that provide a range of functionality and build complex workflows to manage constituent information, all under one system. There exist many ways in which data can come into CiviCRM, and there’s a far greater number of ways in which the data is used across the thousands of organizations that currently leverage CiviCRM.