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By yashodha Filed under Release announcements

We are excited to announce the stable release of 4.7.4. Download CiviCRM 4.7

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By Anonimo Filed under CiviContribute, CiviMember, Drupal 7, Extensions

Hello everybody. I am assessing the feasibility of a CiviCRM integrated 'Community Shares' extension on behalf of my client, the Kindling Trust.

Community Shares are an investment mechanism available to Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies in the UK - see if you want more info.

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By Anonimo Filed under Marketing and Promotion, Tips

Hi! My name is Christian Maltais. I'm a founding member of Praxis Labs Coop. We recently launched a Civi hosting service with automated updates. However, I also wanted to help the community on a more personal level. Since I'm not a developer, I felt unsure. How could I fit in?

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By Anonimo Filed under CiviCon

The sessions committee is working on developing the program for CiviCon Colorado 2016 and are receiving session topics through Friday March 18. The approach to the session tracks will be different than in previous years.

The sessions will be divided into two categories. One track will be focused on the CiviCRM product and will be divided into two segments: Beginner/User & Advanced/Implementer. The other track will be focused on the CiviCRM community.

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By ErikHommel Filed under API, Case studies and user stories, Extensions, WordPress

Our customer Werk met Zin (Network of job coaches in Flanders) has a Wordpress site and uses CiviCRM to manage their relations and cases. On their Wordpress site they allow users to register for some events, which they solve with the civicrm event info and registration pages.

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By cividesk Filed under Training

Are you a CiviCRM and Drupal Administrator?

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By totten Filed under API, Architecture, Extensions

Automated tests are important when collaborating with other developers in a large project. Even if you focus your attention on a small piece of the puzzle, your piece depends on other pieces, and others may depend on you. There will be inevitable occasions when a change in one causes an unexpected change or break in another. Automated tests form the first line of defense, providing timely feedback so that problems can be addressed while the material is mentally fresh.

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By Anonimo Filed under CiviCon, Community, Marketing and Promotion

At our wonderfully well-attended and interesting CiviDay Bristol (here and here), somehow I managed to become co-opted as the chief co-ordinator for CiviCON London 2016 - 6th-7th October - and I'm reliably informed that organising for this event starts now, or earlier even.

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By colemanw Filed under API

Mark your calendars, the api team will be doing a webinar introducing api version 4 on Thurs March 24 12:15pm EST.

For anyone that's developed an extension or other integration with CiviCRM, you know how important a good api is. CiviCRM's api version 3 is incredibly useful - it's mature, stable, tested, robust, and even has a handy gui explorer that writes code for you!

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By josh Filed under CiviCon, Sustainability

As a project and as software for nonprofits, CiviCRM benefits from events in that they not only raise funds for the Core Team, they raise awareness about this incredible open source CRM and they foster the community participation needed to drive it. We’re excited to see that the first two CiviCon’s in 2016 are coming online, both slated for May/June time frame, though on opposite sides of the world; Ft.

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