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By cividesk Filed under Case studies and user stories

An Interview with the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce of Texas

The Italy America Chamber of Commerce (IACC) of Texas provides business related services to Italian companies interested in doing business in the US and to the Italian-American business community in Texas. The chamber hosts Italian delegations in various business sectors and arranges meetings to assist them in finding partners or investment opportunities. They also provide translation and interpretation services for the Italian Consulate, organize networking and business events and advertise employment information to the community. In addition to their Houston office, they have branches in Austin and New Orleans, Louisiana. Cividesk recently interviewed Alessia Paolicchi, Executive Director, about the chamber’s experiences transitioning to CiviCRM and the benefits it has provided.

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By cividesk Filed under Training

Cividesk will be offering several on-line CiviCRM training classes in April designed for new users or those in need of a refresher. Each two-hour training session focuses in depth on one topic (Contacts, Membership, Events and Contributions). Class size is kept small to allow for Q &A. Visit our website for more information on specific curriculum, dates and cost. Additional questions?

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By EileenFiled under

4.4.13 introduced a regression which could adversely affect some sites so we are putting out 4.4.14.

The issue is here and affects 'some IPNs'. We recommend that you upgrade to this version of 4.4 if you are on the LTS. There is very little change in this from 4.4.13 and, as with other LTS releases, no database change.

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By jamieFiled under

We recently had one of our groups report that merging data was resulting in data loss. Specifically, when they merged two records, they noticed that the contribution records on the record that was deleted were not carried over to the record that remained.

I investigated and found the culprit: we were missing a foreign key constraint between the contribution table and the contact table. In fact, we were missing a lot of foreign key constraints in this database.

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By totten Filed under Release announcements

CiviCRM v4.5.7 was released on March 3, 2014. The release was generally valid and safe, but some fixes were incorrectly omitted from v4.5.7. We're releasing a correction, v4.5.8.

To download the latest version, see

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By Anonimo Filed under CiviMember, Make it happen

First blog post here. I am hoping to at least shed some light on an issue I had when setting up CivicCRM. Its not a comprehensive solution to the problem; I hope to follow up soon with full source code.

Drip campaigns are a series of contacts triggered by certain event. There are many reasons to this. It is an effective way to keep in contact with a supporter over a period of time.

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By colemanw Filed under Release announcements, Security Releases

An important security update is being released for both the latest version of CiviCRM and the long-term-support version. We recommend you upgrade immediately to maintain the security of your site.

For more information on the security issues see:

CIVI-SA-2015-001 - Arbitrary file read

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By cividesk Filed under Training

Cividesk will be offering several on-line CiviCRM training classes during the month of March designed for new users or those in a need of a refresher course. Each two-hour training session focuses in depth on one topic (Contacts, Membership, Events and Contributions). Class size is kept small to allow for Q &A. Click here for more information on specific curriculum, dates and cost. Additional questions?

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By cividesk Filed under Case studies and user stories

An interview with Heart of A Warrior Charitable Foundation

Heart of A Warrior (HOAW) Charitable Foundation supports educational, cultural, and life-enhancing enrichment programs targeted to underserved children in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Cividesk recently spoke with Jeff Martini, executive director about his experiences learning and using CiviCRM and how it has benefited his organization.

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By colemanw Filed under API, Documentation, Tips

Whether you're just getting started with customizing CiviCRM or you already think you know everything about it, I invite you to spend a few minutes playing with the new API Explorer in 4.6. You'll be glad you did.

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