Venez nous rejoindre et échanger avec les utilisateurs français lors du prochain Meetup !
Mardi 29 Septembre de 17h à 19h.
Plus d'infos et s'inscrire ici. Nous remercions ATD Quart Monde France de leur accueil.
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Venez nous rejoindre et échanger avec les utilisateurs français lors du prochain Meetup !
Mardi 29 Septembre de 17h à 19h.
Plus d'infos et s'inscrire ici. Nous remercions ATD Quart Monde France de leur accueil.
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You are a current CiviCRM user and you would like to learn more about a particular feature, attend a CiviTip hosted by Cividesk.
Cividesk is offering a new online class for more advanced users, in addition to our standard new-user curriculum. “Membership Renewal Campaign with CiviCRM” is a project oriented class that will help with the preparation of your annual membership renewal by teaching the necessary steps in CiviCRM to create a successful campaign.
Cividesk is one of the leading CiviCRM service providers. Giving Back is a cornerstone of our company culture, and we proudly support many charitable and humanitarian organizations with pro-bono or reduced-cost services.
Cividesk will be offering on-line classes for new users (Contacts, Membership, Events and Contribution management) during the month of August. Classes are two hours in length and are limited in size to allow for questions from students throughout the session.
Click here to see a class schedule for August and to access registration information.
The Women's Fund of Santa Barbara (WFSB) is a collective donor group that enables women to combine their charitable donations into significant grants focused on the critical needs of women, children and families in Santa Barbara. The organization is run exclusively by a team of volunteers. Cividesk spoke with Mary Garton, Susan Robeck and Julie Capritto about making the transition to CiviCRM and how this solution has changed the way they manage their organization.
Cividesk will be offering beginner-level CiviCRM training classes in July. Each two-hour training session focuses in depth on one topic (Contacts, Membership, Events and Contributions). Class size is kept small to allow for Q&A.
Rejoignez-nous pour découvrir l'étendue des fonctionnalités de CiviCRM (on-line).
Jeudi 2 Juillet de 14h à 15h (heure de Paris)
Plus d'infos et s'inscrire ici
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Cividesk will be offering several on-line CiviCRM training classes in June designed for new users. Each two-hour training session focuses in depth on one topic (Contacts, Membership, Events and Contributions). Class size is kept small to allow for Q &A. Click here for more information on specific curriculum, dates and cost. Additional questions?