Hello World from the CiviCRM European Code Sprint in the Netherlands

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2011-12-12 12:12
Written by
Anoniem (niet gecontroleerd) - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Hello, CiviCRM World. Here we are at the European Code Sprint in Apeldoorn. As the official website http://www.apeldoorn.nl/smartsite.dws?id=127356 says: if there is one city in the Netherlands where living and working, commerce and recreation, natural beauty and urban style all come together, it must be Apeldoorn.  I'm inclined to agree!


We have been coding away at the wonderful offices of De Goede Woning, the housing association here in Apeldoorn http://www.degoedewoning.nl. We have been made very welcome and have a whole floor to ourselves. Very luxurious especially for the Londoners who are used to having very little space, ever.


A big, big thank you to Erik and Erik of http://www.ee-atwork.nl who have worked so hard to made this week possible.


We also enjoyed the opportunity today to meet some of the guys from bosworx http://www.bosworx.nl/ who coded with us this morning and are also the gurus behind our awesome wifi.


So, what have we been up to? This morning, Erik Hommel gave us a great overview of the main ways in to Civi for coders - 


custom templates with smarty http://civicrm.org/node/100

drupal hooks http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC40/CiviCRM+hook+specification

and the world-famous CiviCRM API http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC40/CiviCRM+Public+APIs.


Then we all got working away on: the new CiviCRM Mobile version (see Peter's blog post for more about this: http://blog.civicrm.org/blogs/petermcandrew/civimobile-where-we-go-here) and the Selenium web testing and PHPUnit unit testing frameworks. More about this later in the week, as well as the work on documentation we have planned.


The international group (4 from London and one from Hungary) are staying at a holiday cottage, very kindly sponsored by E and E at Work. 


The holiday cottage is here: http://www.landal.nl/be-nl/vakantieparken/nederland/gelderland/coldenhove. It's very quiet with quite a bit of off-season charm. An evening at the burger bar was followed by a nail-biting 4-4 draw at air hockey. Then we headed home for an nice evening in, drinking tea and tapping on our laptops. Stay tuned for another exciting update tomorrow as the CiviCRM European Code Sprint moves into Day Two!

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