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By JoeMurray Filed under Meetups

We will be live streaming the CiviCRM Toronto Meetup at June 15, 6:30-8:30pm EST.

To join us, go to

I'll be presenting on How to Plan a Successful CiviCRM Implementation. We're hoping that remote participants will be able to join in our discussions.

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By AnoniemFiled under
This year at the first CiviCon we had a great session lead by CiviAction's Ian Rhett about taking CiviCRM into the mobile space. It was a very engaging brainstorm session with a lot of great ideas thrown out there. My time this week at WWDC provided a little inspiration and time spent in a hotel room to create some mockups of what this could look like. I have posted some images below. I think one of the big conclusions at CiviCon is that the app could be built to do a lot of things but at this point working to achieve a CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) app is probably the best starting place. This is a project that I would like to start to work on along with my team at emotive. I think the best approach is to develop the app using the Appcelerator Titanium platform. It's an open source development platform that translates javascript into native iPhone/iPad, Android and coming soon Blackberry apps. I figure that most of us know Javascript much more than we do C or C++ and this would provide us with a single codebase for multiple mobile platforms.
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By AnoniemFiled under

A couple month ago I raised the question about CiviCRM importing scalability, and received mixed answers.

CiviCRM should be mostly used for data import, not for data cleaning. Most importing scalability issues stem from people's reliance on the system to perform both data clean up and import. CiviCRM has a great data cleaning process that should be taken advantage of when doing a large import.
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By Anoniem Filed under Architecture

I am writing this post to take community feedback on porting CiviCRM to PostgreSQL, the best way to do it, and to team up with any possible members willing to contribute to this effort. Here are my efforts until now. I have not been able to make it 'all' work on PostgreSQL, but certainly to a degree where I can see light at the end of the long tunnel. I am linking 3 PostgreSQL compatible files here:

structure.sql - this has the columns, primary keys, indexes, unique constraints data.sql - this is the sample data included with CiviCRM

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By Eileen Filed under Drupal 7
So, amongst all the discussion of import methods lately I just wanted to flag another possible approach - creating a CiviCRM hook module for the Drupal migrate module There are a bunch of great blogs out there on how to use the table wizard module with the migrate module to import data from various mysql tables or views into Drupal nodes / users / taxonomies / content types - for example: The migrate module has a bunch of hooks to allow you to use it for other forms of migrations. I rattled up the module / code pasted at the end of this blog in a couple of hours as a proof of content for using this approach to CiviCRM imports. The code I threw together just offers up civicrm_contact table fields but I think there must be some clever ways to use existing import tools rather than this rudimentary approach.
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By yashodhaFiled under

The team is excited to announce that the first public ALPHA release of version 3.2 is now available for download. You can also try it out on our sandbox site. Please remember this is an ALPHA release and it should NOT be used on production sites.

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By AllenShawFiled under

As of now (version 3.1.5), CiviCRM limits finding and merging of duplicate records to users with the "Administer CiviCRM" permission. A recent thread on the forums points out that some organizations will want to allow that privilege to non-administrative users. Having a need for this myself, I'm looking for the best way to do it. If a reasonable solution can be found, I'm hoping the changes will make it into core at some point in the future.

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By EileenFiled under

A while ago I mentioned that I was finding the backup and migrate module a better option to syncing Civi installs that the Civi drush command and Lobo asked if I would do a write-up on it.

I'm going to keep this pretty brief but I think it is worth telling people about as I find it really quick & easy. (AKA BAM)

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By Anoniem Filed under Schools

The next phase of the CiviSchool project is collecting and maintaining all parent / student information online. This avoids the annual filling out forms work by the parents, and also the stuffing of envelopes by school staff during the summer and reentering all the information in the SIS when school starts.

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By Anoniem Filed under Meetups
We(NET Tuesday Taiwan) have a CiviCRM workshop since last August and had meetups for about 6-7 times. After Jimmy Huang came from CiviCon/Translation Sprint, we had a review meetup at 5/15 and gathered about 40 people from local NGOs. What's the next? Due to limited resource, I think we need have 2~3 successful local case studies and empower ourselves to better support local NGOS. presentation
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