We want the ability to sell tickets. CiviCRM has a maximum participants feature but this applies to the whole event. We want it to apply to each individual ticket. This will be particularly useful when related to a floor plan which can be uploaded.
In the Price Sets. In the Page Edit a price set. Next to Price will be another column called "Number" (people can suggest something better) where the number of tickets can be set. I thought this should not be in "Edit price numbers" so that different groups could still pay different amount but would deduct from the remaining tickets.
My name is Jamie and I'm a student of Physics with Philosophy at the University of Manchester. I used to work with a bunch of people on a community-based church website. Recently we've been employed by a Thai Boxing company to build a community-based website as the hub of the various things this company will try and achieve. (So yes, currently we don't work with non-profits!). Currently its just a CMS but the community side of things will come (hopefully)
I'm working on setting up a "CiviCRM Planet" feed aggregator similar to that which exists for drupal at Please post a link to your blog's feed of CiviCRM related posts in the comments here. If you do not yet have a civicrm specific feed, I recommend creating a tag or taxonomy term specifically for items you which to appear on CiviCRM planet. Might I suggest "CiviCRM Planet" or just "CiviCRM".
As cap10morgan noted in a recent blog, non-profits and open source solutions are a natural partnership. CiviCRM has been a fabulous gift to the organization that I lead, Trinity Episcopal Church. It allowed us to move from a FileMaker database accessible only to our office staff to a robust solution accessible to most of our membership.
Just a very quick post to let you guys know that the site that has consumed my life for the past 6 months has finally gone live. I am running a _very_ customised version of civicrm 2.1 on top of a drupal install. I'd like to thank all those that helped me to get to grips with the hows and wherefores of civicrm and for putting up with me on the irc channel.
Trellon has been working on a fairly large implementation of CiviCRM for an advocacy group based in DC that was seeking to implement a CRM system that will help them manage their online fundraising and email marketing program. Email marketing is a large part of the organization's outreach strategy, so having a mail system that can deliver their 50,000+ emails in a short amount of time was a necessity.
Last week I had the privilege of joining 10 other CiviCRM enthusiasts, along with a facilitator (Adam Hyde from FLOSS Manuals) for the CiviCRM Book Sprint. It was a fantastic experience on many different levels. More than anything else, it was great to meet in person and interact face-to-face with members of the core team and active members in the community—many of whom I’ve had forum-based contact with for several years.