DonorSearch Integration 1.1.5

Release Date
Release Version
Release Status
Release CiviCRM Compatibility
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<extension key="com.greenleafadvancement.donorsearch" type="module">
<name>DonorSearch Integration</name>
Perform wealth lookups of CiviCRM contacts using the DonorSearch Prospect Research Service.
Adds a menu item at Administer :: System Settings :: Register DonorSearch API key.
Adds a "DonorSearch" custom data group as a tab under all contacts.
Provides permission "access DonorSearch".
Creates a new table named "civicrm_ds_saved_search".
<author>Greenleaf Advancement</author>
<url desc="Main Extension Page"></url>
<url desc="Documentation"></url>
<url desc="Register for api key"></url>
<url desc="Licensing"></url>
<url desc="Support"></url>
<comments>DonorSearch provides a comprehensive research and analytics platform to segment and identify an organization’s top donor prospects. With this integration, users can pull in, search on, and report on over 20 wealth and philanthropy data points about their constituents right from within CiviCRM, supercharging annual, major, and planned giving programs. Please contact to request the free limited-license API key required to connect this extension with the DonorSearch service.</comments>