Sending an email to a target when signing a Petition

2013-07-19 09:27
Written by
jamie - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

With the 4.3 upgrade, the Progressive Technology Project has made a number of important steps toward breaking out our work into pieces that others can use on their sites. This blog will begin a series of (hopefully) weekly blogs outlining new functionality that others can use.

Our first blog features the civicrm_petition_email Drupal module. Thanks to the hard work of agh1, a Drupal 6 version of the module is available ( We just finished porting it to Drupal 7.

For the impatient:

 git clone git://

 git checkout 7.x-1.x

With this module enabled, there are a few new checkboxes on the petition form that allow you to specify the name and email address of a target that should get notified every time the petition is filled out. In addition, you can optionally specify a field in the petition that should be used as a custom message to the target instead of the default message (which is also configurable).



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Anonymous (niet gecontroleerd)
2013-07-19 - 09:42

This seems like functionality that should be considering for integrating into core in a future release. What do others think?

Anonymous (niet gecontroleerd)
2013-07-19 - 12:43


Is there a reason you did it as a drupal module instead of a civicrm extension?

dgg, +1 in the could be in the core front


2013-07-19 - 13:14

I would have done it as an extension - however, someone already created the Drupal 6 module, so we decided it would be easier to upgrade it to Drupal 7. Of course, it took a lot longer to upgrade than expected, and most of the code is Civi code anyway, so in retrospect, I think I could have put it out as an extension in a similar amount of time. Lessons for next time...

Anonymous (niet gecontroleerd)
2013-07-22 - 09:38

Yeah I did the Drupal 6 one for a client in the pre-extension days.  Extensionifying it has been a to-do item for a while, but other pressing things kept coming up.  Thanks, Jamie, for building upon it, and maybe this would be a good pre-CiviCamp sprint item for adding to core.

Anonymous (niet gecontroleerd)
2013-07-22 - 14:47

Looks good but when I downloaded it via git above the version is 6.x-dev

Anonymous (niet gecontroleerd)
2013-07-22 - 14:50

The git clone command above downloads 6.x-dev

2013-07-23 - 08:03

I inherited the git repository with master pointing to the Drupal 6 version. Following Drupal conventions, the Drupal 7 version is in the 7.x-1.x branch:

git checkout 7.x-1.x

I'm updating my blog now...