Updates from CiviCRM Workshop in Taipei, Taiwan

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2009-10-20 00:57
Written by
Anonim (niezweryfikowany) - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
Since our first meetup at 2009/08/15, we already met for 4 times and started to do case study by functions. And with many support from Dr. Lee of Dharma Drum University, Petra Lin of TechSoup Taiwan, Jimmy Huang of NETivism and Fu-Yuan Cheng(project coordinator), we are translating the CiviCRM Manual from FLOSS manuals. For more information about CiviCRM workshop Taipei, plz check: http://net2.netivism.tw/projects/civicrm-workshop(in Chinese)
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Anonymous (niezweryfikowany)
2009-11-14 - 03:53