Introducing Diet Civi

2018-09-21 05:21
Written by
ErikHommel - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Diet Civi is a new "working" group within the CiviCRM community.


Our main objectives are to

  • improve CiviCRM’s ability to support a variety of different workflows on the common core data model.

  • define, coordinate, foster, and fund projects to achieve this.


Our aim is to represent the partners and community members that recognize themselves more or less in the following statements:

  • we mainly work on customer sites as part of a team that works with CiviCRM, bringing our CiviCRM knowledge to the table as one of the components

  • we do not see ourselves as software producers

  • we tend to see ourselves as the “family members” that know about CiviCRM

  • our customers tend to use CiviCRM in a best-of-breed environment in combination with other software packages that need to communicate with CiviCRM

  • we all believe that customer requirements in most cases will lead to extension development rather than core changes

  • we think we need a stable minimal core with a sustainable extension ecosystem

  • that the CiviCRM community is a diverse community where different kind of partners and/or community members co-exist and participate wherever possible without trying to convert each other

  • most of our customers use a few extensions and some are absolutely mandatory because of regional differences

As a working group we would like to undertake the following:

  • take turns (as members) in issue triage and representing our viewpoints in community discussions and approval processes

  • assist in version testing from our perspectives

  • undertake common projects which are important from our common perspective and for which we as members will find funding

  • ensure that our working group is represented in Civi events and sprints


  • We think that with this kind of initiative it is important we put our money where our mouth is :-)

  • CiviCooP has agreed to donate 5% of their annual revenue as a funding for this gro

  • SYSTOPIA has agreed to aggregate funding for specific proposed changes

Intrigued? Anyone that is interested is welcome to join us (we have a Mattermost channel)! We reckon we just want to do stuff :-)

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thanks Erik - great to see people stepping up

Anonymous (niezweryfikowany)
2018-09-24 - 04:12

This sounds interesting. Any chance you could you give a couple of examples of projects that you might work on?

A good example is probably the CiviSEPA and CiviBanking documentation we have just been working on and will be working on at the Bamford sprint in the UK. And I would imagine something like CiviSEPA would be an obvious candidate if it was not there yet from my perspective. Speaking from my "world": refactoring/packaging some of the membership improvements that are needed for some of the organizations I work with? I am a firm believer in scratching my own itch (as it is the only one I can truly try to understand I suppose)

Anonymous (niezweryfikowany)
2018-09-28 - 16:53

Erik, what is your geographic scope / emphasis?  Thanks for getting this group started.

The idea is that there is no geographic scope, anyone who recognizes themselves more or less in the sentences should join.

Initially I would expect some focus on Europe simply because that is where the initiators originate from?

What do you mean exactly by "common core data model?" "Common core" is a pretty big educational initiative in the US and I am pretty sure that isn't what you mean, but I am not sure what you do mean. Thanks!

I will leave that for Björn Endres to answer :-) That sentence came from him and I asked him what he meant exactly as well :-)