Blog posts by Anonim

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By Anonim Filed under CiviCon, CiviCase

My name is Lisa Taliano and I’m a Senior IT Manager for the National Urban League, one of the oldest civil rights organizations in the US, founded in 1910.

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By Anonim Filed under Case studies and user stories, CiviCon

En el marco de CiviCon Madrid 2015 tuve la oportunidad de poder compartir la experiencia de algunos de los proyectos en los que estoy participando. A continuación intento resumir algunas ideas de la presentación.

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By Anonim Filed under Community

This year, the Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC) will be taking place in San Jose, CA on March 23-25, 2016. 

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By Anonim Filed under CiviCon, Meetups, Sprints, Training

Hello! I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself.  My name is Angela Bruns and I will be Conference Coordinator for the North American CiviCon 2016 in Fort Collins, CO.  My background is in event planning and volunteer management within Colorado nonprofit organizations and I am excited to be a part of this conference. 

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By Anonim Filed under Extensions

Imagine that you’ve created your event in CiviCRM and have built an exceptionally brilliant price set. Your participants have all the choices they need, special timed options manage themselves, and the registrations are rolling in. Now it comes time to see what everyone’s choices are. How do you do that? What report can I use to see a list of participants and all their choices together?

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By Anonim Filed under Case studies and user stories, Community

I have always been passionate about the nonprofit sector, and I had the chance to continue growing this passion when I joined iATS Payments in 2012 as iATS is a payment processor working exclusively with nonprofits. 

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By Anonim Filed under Case studies and user stories

The Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) NSW is a member-funded organisation acting as the peak body for privately owned early childhood education and care services in NSW. It provides advocacy, policy and regulatory support and advice; member services; and professional development for members across the state of NSW, Australia.

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By Anonim Filed under Drupal 7, Extensions

We in NFPservies have some client using secure.worldpay as their payment processor and it was always an issue in making it work and now worldpay has introduced online.worldpay gateway with API reference which are easy and quicker than before

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By Anonim Filed under CiviCon

Stephen Bestbier, VP Marketing and Business Development at iATS Payments, gave a talk on Payment Processing 101 at the CiviCRM User Summit in Washington this past September 2015. Payment processing is an essential part of success in today’s nonprofit sector. However, for those unfamiliar with this process, it can feel daunting.

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By Anonim Filed under Community

The Free Software Foundation's mission is to promote and defend free software and build a strong movement for computer user freedom. I do communications at the Foundation, and a majority of my work relies on CiviCRM. I'm a Civi power user and know the software intimately (at least the set of extensions we use), so it was exciting to meet the faces behind the software at the User Summit in September.

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