CDN Tax Receipts 1.3.2

Release Date
Release Version
Release Status
Release CiviCRM Compatibility
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<extension key="org.civicrm.cdntaxreceipts" type="module">
<name>CDN Tax Receipts</name>
Creates Tax Receipts including single or annual/aggregate tax receipts, with distribution by email or print,
detailed reporting, press ready PDF template possible. We worked with (and continue to work with) a BDO Tax Partner
who has strong ties to both the NPO community and Tax Authorities (CRA).
<author>Jake Martin White, Lola Slade and Karin Gerritsen</author>
<url desc="documentation"></url>
<url desc="Support"></url>
Developed as a collaboration between Karin Gerritsen (, Lola Slade (,
Alan Dixon ( and Jake Martin White (